Boris' Confession Pt 3

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Bendy: BORIS- *Freezes up*

Boris: *Crying in the corner

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Boris: *Crying in the corner. He looks up and sniffles* ...What?...

Bendy: Dude... what happened?

Boris: It's nothing B-bendy... I promise.

Bendy: *Crosses arms* Boris

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Bendy: *Crosses arms* Boris. Tell me. You know I don't like lying.

Boris: *Hic* It's personal, you wouldn't understand.

Bendy: Try me. *Walks up to Boris and kneels down in front of him.*

Boris: ... I'm not getting out of this am I?

Bendy: Not a chance in hell.

Bendy: Not a chance in hell

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Boris: ...What happened to your face?

Bendy: Got slugged by Syo. Now tell me what's wrong.

Boris: You should probably have dad check that out-

Bendy: Boris.

Boris: F-fine... Um... Bendy, we're like brothers right?

Bendy: Course man. Always and forever.

Boris: And... we love each other like brothers right?

Bendy: Yep

Boris: ...I think um... I... think I...

Bendy: What is it buddy?

Bendy: What is it buddy?

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Boris: Think I... love you more than a brother.

Bendy: Wait- what?

Boris: ...I... think I'm gay...

Bendy: ... Please tell me you mean the original term for Gay. When it meant happy, cheerful-

Boris: No... I think I love you... more than a brother.

Bendy: *Stands up* Boris... stand up please.

Boris: *Quickly stands up* I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-

Boris: *Quickly stands up* I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-

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Bendy: *Hugs Boris tightly* NO!... No... I'm sorry. *Runs away, Trying not to cry.*

Boris: Bendy!


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Boris: ...I-... okay.

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