Question #35

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Sorry I took so long to update. Been working on school, work, other books, other excuses... I'll upload on Monday to make up for it. I promise. :)


Alex: *Super happy* Oh boy! After this, only 1 more question and we'll be back to normal! *Sprinting around the studio.*

Bendia: Mmmaaannn... I'm really gonna miss groping myself.

Boris: Still gross Bendy.

Alex: QUESTIONS! *Dive bombs to computer and scans for questions.*

Bendia: Find anything?

Alex: Hmm... YES! Uh, it's for you Bendy-

Bendia: Bendia. Bendy is dude me.

Alex: Shut it. Anyways, they wanna know what your thoughts on Sammy are.

Sammy: I can answer that!

Boris: Jesus **** how are you just able to pop out of nowhere?

Sammy: Rag being too lazy to give me a introduction each time.

Alex: Lovely.

Sammy: But my little princess loves me! Ain't that right pretty thing? *Bows at Bendia*

Bendia: ...Uh... Sure... *Mouths the word "help" to the audience.*

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