Fangirl Warriors

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Man, Henry is getting all the love in both this book, and my one shot book. It's adorable. Been drawing him nonstop for y'all. Good to know he gets love. \^w^/ OH! AND BIG NEW COMING UP! I'll put it in the next "chapter" of this book. Same with my "One shot" book. It'll be awesome as balls. (Least I hope so.)


*Several treats and ungodly amount if kisses later~*

Henry: *Getting cuddled by a tiny angel known as Amelia_BATIM

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Henry: *Getting cuddled by a tiny angel known as Amelia_BATIM

Henry: Ames, be nice. Chill. *Cuddled and clung to.*

Henry: ...Thanks kids, though those 2 that had to kiss me on the lips... and neck... was unneeded. I appreciate the attention. Didn't think I'd have fans like this. I haven't actually kissed a person since I was... 20?... Yeah, I'm 51 now, you kids do the math.

Henry: *Looks at the one clinging to him

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Henry: *Looks at the one clinging to him.* Ames, be a good angel. Don't murder, alright hun? *Pats her head*

Henry: ...So uh... I don't know what I did to make you all think I was worth fangirling over. Well, there's this one perv that keeps trying to screw me in the pms. You know who you are. Don't lie child.

*He stands up*

Henry: Uh... I'll be back kids. Have fun freaking out and go play or something. Just don't break anything alright? I'm the one that has to fix it. *He leaves quickly with all his gifts.*


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Henry: ...Nope nope nope nope not listening to that NAH NOT ANSWERING THAT! *Leaves*


If any of you ship it, say so in the comments. I'm genuinely curious.


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