Dear readers...

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Hello! I have good news and bad news. The bad news is... I lost almost everything I had planned out. All the picture responses, questions, prepared answers, everything.

Why you ask? Because dear friends, I was caught in a hail storm yesterday. Had to walk for 20 minutes with hail beating against me, and it completely DESTROYED my phone. Which had everything on it. I had a random creepy old guy (Thank god he was a cop, but still) drive me home after I awkwardly knocked on his door.

BUT, I didn't wanna give up on you guys. I insisted on staying, so, I dug around till I found my old kindle. This thing barely works, but, it works. I have spent 2 HOURS setting everything up.

The good news? I AM STILL ABLE TO UPLOAD! I don't have data anymore, so sorry for those I talk to. But, I shall gather all the old questions I've been meaning to answer and they will (hopefully) be up within the next few days!

Don't pay attention to the picture. I just thought it was cute.

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