"Question" #39

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL 10 PEOPLE THAT READ THIS AND ACTUALLY CELEBRATE IT! ALSO, I need a sweater I have Henry wear in this. it looks so cozy and cute. I need. This isn't exactly a question but... it's funny and I like it.


~The next day~

Henry: *Hiding in shame cause Sammy the toddler is a lot sassier than adult Sammy.*

Henry: *Stares at laptop. A comment pops up.* Oh look... I got a question... *Opens the notification.*


Henry: *Falls onto floor.* OW **** WHAT THE **** YOU ****! *Stands back up.* BETTER ******* RUN PIECE OF ****! *He huffs and looks at the comment.*


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Henry: ...First of all child. **** you. And secondly, the fandom would be just fine without me. Do I even personally HAVE fan girls? Hell, Sammy must have more than me. I KNOW he does.

*Another comment pops up*

Stranger: *Comes back, pats Henry's head. Then leaves again.*


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Henry: ...Is... is that supposed to make me feel better or...? I... I'm confused, and a little scared of you now child. Please get out of this studio.

*Shuts the laptop*

Henry: *Sits on the floor again. He then hugs his knees* To anybody who is unfortunate enough to be stuck as my personal fan, not just the game in general, but MINE. I deeply apologize for being such a ******* disappointment.

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