Question #10

743 17 23

Hey guys, almost out of data, so updates will be slower. But I'll update  as often as I can! Btw, I'm trying out a new style of the guys! Wanna make them little more "Atamony correct" or whatever. So they will have collarbones, maybe some muscles, I have Boris in the trial one of the style. Let me know what ya think!
------------------------------*Boris returns with computer* Glad I got that out of my system. Anywho, next question. *Scanning through the questions.*

Bendy: *Wobbles back over and flops onto the floor.* Ugh... I regret eating before I looked at that question.

Boris: Here's-... Uh...

Bendy: What? Lemme see.

Boris: N-No! Uh... they um... said that. Uh... it's a-a private question! Y-yeah, private.

Bendy: Um... should I go then?

Boris: YES. Uh... I mean yes.

Bendy: Okie dokie *Waddles away*

Boris: *Waits till Bendy is out of ear shot.* A-alright, no Yellow... whatever your name is. I am NOT gay. I just... I-... Uh... Um... I... *Face has gone almost black* N-NOT GAY! BENDY IS J-JUST A FRIEND TOTALLY DON'T LIKE HIM THAT WAY I-I SWEAR!

*Boris stares at picture from the last question.*

Boris: I'm not. I just uh... r-really like the um... skills and uh... hard work this person put into the picture. H-he'd reject me a-anyways. I'm not his type, he wouldn't want me if I was the last cartoon character on Earth. So, N-no I'm not gay. J-just... I... *Tears up* SHUT UP! *Grabs the laptop and runs away again.*

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