Whole lotta questions

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I felt bad for 1: Being late on my answers. 2: Not answering every question possible. And 3: Ignoring the promise I made to someone about a question I wanted to answer. So, hope you enjoy this giant answer mash. I have 2 questions I'll do next that I need to complete. So be prepared for those! Btw, Henry says some horrible... horrible stuff in here. If you get offended easily, I suggest you don't read further.

Henry: *Peeps trying to touch his poof hair.* Don't. Touch. My. HAIR. *Digs around till he finds his old axe, inky and blood stained.* We may be old, but this axe and I can still beat some *** if we so choose! Only 2 people could touch my hair, you ain't one of them!

Bendy: Dad calm down, relax. They just wanna pet you.

 They just wanna pet you

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Henry: **** off Bendy. And no, not getting that sugar garbage from that gay *** coffee shop either.

Boris: Wow, that's kinda rude.

Bendy: Dad just go get food before you start an angry mob of fangirls.

Henry: ******* whatever. *Leaves* It's children like you that make me glad hell is real.

*1 hour later*

Henry: *Returns* Hey *******, I'm-...

*Bendy dragging Boris to the center of the room, he's wearing his fluffy tutu. Classical music playing on a old radio.*

Bendy: Boris! Dance with me!

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Bendy: Boris! Dance with me!

Boris: *Dark grey blush* Bendy... *Whispers* Thought you were mad at me...

Bendy: What? No, when you confessed, it just caught me off guard

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Bendy: What? No, when you confessed, it just caught me off guard. We'll talk later okay?

Boris: ...A-alright...

Henry: The **** is going on?

Alice: We just wanted to get all the drama and stress outta the way for a bit sir.

Henry: ...Sir?

Alice: Mhm! *Holds hand out* Come dance with us!

Henry: Oh uh... I-I don't dance.

Alice: I'll teach you!

Henry: *Small smile can actually be seen from the bush he has for facial hair.* ...Alright Alice, you win. *Sets bag of groceries during.*

Alice: *Grabs his hand and pulls him to the boys to dance.*

Boris: *Holding Bendy's hand with one. And other hand around Bendy's side. Both slow dancing to the beat of the music.* Man, remember doing this in the cartoons?

Bendy: Yeah! I forgot how fun this was! *Spins in his tutu*

Boris: You were always the best dancer...

Bendy: Thanks!

Boris: ...W-welcome buddy...

*Few minutes pass*

Boris: So, Bendy I- *Trips over a banana* ****!!!!!! *Lands on Bendy*

Alice: *Looks over* Oh my goodness! Boris! Bendy! You boys- *A banana thrown at her

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Alice: *Looks over* Oh my goodness! Boris! Bendy! You boys- *A banana thrown at her. She squeaks and falls on the floor.*

Henry: *Bananas bouncing off him.* ...Well there goes the calmness. Eh, **** it. *Laughs at the others*

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