Father Daughter Dance

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Alice: *Stands up* Oh dear, that wasn't good for my injury at all.

*Boris and Bendy stand up as well*

Boris: That killed the fun...

Bendy: Oh they're just bananas! *Kicks them all away.* Let's go back to dancing! *Grabs Boris' arms and spins around, they both laugh and go back to dancing.*

Alice: *Giggles* Gotta love those two. Wish I had someone to be that close to.

Henry: I had people like that... times change though.

Alice: Well, let's go back to dancing. Just follow my steps okay?

Henry: *Small chuckle* Alright Alice, lead the way.

Alice: *Grabs his arms, putting one on her waist, another in her hand. She holds both of his gently.* If I was a little taller this would be easier. *Smiles*

Henry: Just following your steps?

Alice: I step back, you step forward. Just copy my movements.

Henry: Alrighty then *Following her every step*

*Few minutes pass, Boris and Bendy go from slow dancing, to tango, to tap dancing, to ballet, all in a matter on ten minutes.*

Henry: Those boys just don't wear out do they?

Alice: Not really, trying to dance with Bendy is like trying to keep a sugar high 3 year old seated. It's impossible. *Rests her head on his stomach.*

Henry: Heh... you remind me of Madison...

Alice: Who's Madison?

Henry: *Looks away slightly* Oh... It's not important anymore...

 It's not important anymore

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Alice: Okay sir... *Sways slightly to the music*

Henry: You don't have to call me sir, call me whatever you want okay?

Alice: Okay Henry.

Henry: I do have a question.

Alice: What is it?

Henry: What happened to your face?

Alice: Oh um... It's nothing serious.

Henry: Nobody hit you did they?

Alice: Not... technically.

Henry: What happened? I need you to tell me.

Alice: ...Couple days ago... Bendy got into a yelling fit with someone, I tried calming him down... he shoved me to the floor. And I got injured.

Henry: ...I see... *Glances at the boys* ...I see.

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