Question... let's say #29

466 8 13

God I really need to start counting again... (/*.*\) Just a reminder guys: Alex=Alice
(Cause this was the only legit name in the comments)

Also, this is probably bad timing with the gender bent thing and what I wanted to add. But I'll make it work.

Boris: *Eventually stops laughing.*

Alex: t(-_-t)

Boris: Well, Alex-

Alex: Just stop talking. I need some better clothes than this dress. It won't stay up anymore.

Boris: Alrighty then. *Zipper motion across mouth.*

Alex: Thank you...

Bendia: *Runs back into room with her tutu on... as well as a heart locket necklace... and non-matching high socks.* How do I look?

Alex: ...You have zero fashion sense.

Bendia: I wasn't going for "fashion". I was going for "O.m.g.! That girl is ssssoooo cute!" "She must know how to have fun!" "I BET SHE'S A GREAT PARTNER FOR SE-


Bendia: Sorry

Alex: How long do we have to do this?

*A magical rag hovers in the air. IT'S NOT JUST ANY OLD RAG. IT'S... THAT ONE RAG.*

Rag: *Scribbled on its fabric* 10 questions *AND THEN DISSAPEARS INTO NOTHINGNESS!*

Everyone: ...

Alex amd Bendia: WWWHHAAATTT?!?!?

Bendia: YES!

Alex: NO!

Boris: *Dies laughing again*

Alex: I will rip out the rest of your organs if you don't CAN IT.

Boris: *Runs away laughing*

Alex: DON'T YOU RUN AWAY! *Chases after*

Bendia: WWWHHHHHEEEEEEEE!!!!! *Follows, skipping happily*

*Few seconds later, in the darkest corner.*

???: She's so beautiful... she's the perfect goddess... She will remember me. She WILL love me like I did... For years.

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