Jeager No More

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(Eren's POV)

I was kicked out from the 104th. My fights with Jean and failing to perfect the 3dm gears led to this. I was sent to trost district and now I'm a normal citizen.

"Ugh. I can't believe I was kicked out" I said to myself. "Also Mikasa and Armin didn't come with me."

I'm alone. And I don't know what to do. I bet Jean is happy. I swear I'll make that horse face pay. But now I have to focus on what I must do.

I can't stop thinking of the way I got kicked out.
I was called to Shadis' office. He looked at me with disappointment. I didn't know what was going on until he said: "Eren Jeager. You're no longer part of the 104th cadet corps."
After he said that, I felt my heart get shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't believe that that happened.
I packed my stuff and left the training camps last night.

I wish I could've said goodbye to Mikasa and Armin. I miss them a lot. I want to see them but... that's no longer possible.

Maybe one day if they come to town for some training in the town I might see them. But there is a big chance I won't since I'll be asked to evacuate the town.


(Time Skip)

"Hey! Stop! Someone stop this thief!" I heard a shop owner shout.

A shoplifter ran past me at a high speed. He was Caucasian, 6'2", brown hair, black eyes, he was wearing a brown jacket and was carrying stuff with him. I decided not to stop him.

"Why didn't you do anything?" The shop owner asked me as he was panting, tired from trying to chase the thief.

"It isn't my fault."

I then walked past the shoplifter, not caring about his problem.

(Time Skip)

I was walking in a dark alleyway at night. I didn't have anywhere to sleep and no one to talk to so I decided to just stroll around and do nothing.

It was dark. I was alone. I could barely see where I am walking. I stopped and sat down on the ground with my back leaning against a wall.

I felt tired and sad. More sad than tired. I couldn't do anything.
I can't see Mikasa and Armin anymore.
I can't fulfill my dreams.
I can't avenge my mom.
I can't kill the titans anymore.

I'm useless. I'm an idiot.

Suddenly a spider crawled it's way to my hand and climbed on it. I didn't care about it or what it will do. I couldn't care less about a spider.
But then all of a sudden...


The spider bit me.

I furiously wiggled my arm, throwing the spider away and then I grabbed my hand and ran away.

After a few minutes of running, I felt tired. I skid to a stop. My head and body starts hurting all over and I started to feel dizzy.

I couldn't keep my balance as I fell down. I started breathing fast and my vision went blurry.


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