The Defeat Of The Spider-Man

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I was lying on a rooftop, relaxing after another day of helping people and stopping criminals. The air was lovely and the spot where I lied down was very relaxing. Being Spider-Man might be hard, but it still has its benefits in the end.

I was thinking about branching out into a new district where I can probably help fight crime and gain the trust of the garrisons there. Only problem was that I cannot travel that far. I have a horse now in the stables, sure. But the traveling distance is going to be very long. Unless I can somehow convince the garrisons on the walls to lift my horse and help me get there.

For now I was happy to stop crime in the Trost district after returning from Ehrmich all the way back when I fought Mikasa for the first time. I was there stopping crime like I do but there wasn't any much crime there so it wouldn't hurt to return to Trost.

As I was lying and looking at the sky I heard the sound of a ODM gear whizzing by. I looked up and saw that it was a trainee. I immediately got up and swung after him.

I kept my distance so he doesn't know I was following him but what seemed off was that he was going around in circles and around random areas. It went for a minute and a half until I noticed that he landed on a rooftop alone. He stayed right there alone looking away from my direction until I jumped onto the same rooftop and faced him.

"What are you doing here all alone?" I asked.

He turned around and revealed himself to be Jean.

"Well I've been looking for you and seems that you've found me." He replied.

And just like that his comrades landed on the same rooftop all of them with blades in hand.

"This time we're pretty sure we're gonna stop you." Jean said.

"Oh really? Judging from all your last tries, I kinda doubt that. Well good luck I guess." I said right before Reiner rushed at me.

I jumped over him and kicked him in the back, Annie then grabbed me by the back right before I webbed her in the face, prompting her to release me.

Jean then came in front of me holding a flare gun and trying to shoot at me but before he could I webbed it and pulled it out of his hand, spun it around and threw it at his face.

"Come on, is that all you got?" I asked.
"I mean you said that this time it's gonna be different, I had my hopes up! Well not really, I'm just kidding but come on!"

Connie was holding a rifle and tried to shoot at me but I dodged the bullet and webbing him in the face before grabbing the shotgun and snapping it in half.

Then I punched Connie down on the ground and noticed that Armin was there as well but he was a little reluctant.

"You six are really sinister!" I said but then I realized they weren't six.

"One, two, three, four, five... wait where's Mikasa?" I asked.

Right then I heard the sound of a loud gunshot followed by the pain of a bullet going through my abdomen.

"Aaahhh!" I said before falling down on my knees.

"He's down!" Jean said as he, Connie, and Reiner proceeded to kick me while I'm down.

But then they stopped when an individual with a black metal armor stood in front of me with what seemed to be the rifle that I was shot with. That person picked me up by the neck and held me over the street below where people were watching in horror.

"Are you gonna finish him Mikasa?" Armin asked.

"Mi-Mikasa?" I asked. I couldn't tell as she was wearing a helmet.

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