The Demon

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Hey Epic Gamers! Ali-A here! Don't forget to vote for this book and comment your thoughts! Thanks!

(Spider-Man's POV)

Barely managing to arrive back to the Trost district in a single day, I make my way swinging towards the headquarters of the garrisons to look for Annie.
I think with all the technology at Ernst's disposal, I would need all the help I can get.

I landed in the middle of the base in the open area and asked around for her. But then the shockingly sad news came in.
"Annie Leonhart is in the infirmary. She is extremely ill."

I immediately rushed in, passing through garrisons like there's no tomorrow. Because I'm sure there might not be one for Annie.

My mind was rushing into conclusions I could not tell whether they were rational or not.

'Please don't tell me she's pregnant! Please don't tell me she's pregnant! I used a condom dammit!'
I thought to myself 'Well a condom made out of webs but still! It should have worked fine!'

When I entered the infirmary I found her next to the bed Connie was lying on. I walked to her slowly, not even wanting to see her like this. She was unconscious, and I could not tell if she was getting better of whatever hit her.
I placed the back of my hand on her forehead to measure how hot her temperature was. And it wasn't good.

The nurse came in and let me finish before talking to me.

"Sir. Annie Leonhart was not diagnosed with anything that's official in the medical records. This disease, whatever it is could be new. It did not show any signs of being an infectious disease, but we will keep watching her for the time being."

"Could this be due to an outside agent? Not a virus or anything, but like, an attack? A forced injection? Anything?"

"I believe not. When we were checking up on her, she did not have any signs of struggle and no needle marks."

"Can you... identify if... she's..."



The nurse was taken back by this but she remained professional.
"I'll try and see if she is. For now she needs rest."

"Yea. I was about to leave."

"Don't!" I heard Connie say while still lying on his bed.
Confused, I walked to him to see what's wrong.

"Ernst... Mikasa went to face him and I have a feeling she's not gonna have a good time doing so. You better help her."

"Not giving it a second thought. Thanks Electro."

I heard him laugh as I jumped out of the window.

I made my way back to my horse. The same one Annie gave me when we had our own uninterrupted conversation for the first time.

"If Annie's pregnant than I... what should I do?!" I said to myself out loud as I rode my horse outside the district and to the laboratory base Shadis gave me a map for.

"Let's just hope he hasn't done anything to Mikasa or I will not know what to do to myself."

After a long trek I finally arrived. But before I enterer this large building in the middle of nowhere, I took a second to marvel at this huge structure that is seemingly more futuristic than anything else I've seen.

"Now this is going to be one hell of a night."

I opened the large gate entrance and walked in. I was greeted by a giant room filled with metal containers and wooden boxes that probably carry all the materials and equipment he needs to build and arm his army.

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