The Eren Jaeger Case

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(Annie's POV)

I walked inside the nursery where Connie was being treated. I had to know what gotten into his mind to go out and get himself electrocuted.

I found him awake, being treated by a nurse. When she noticed me she walked out.

"Who... who brought me here?" He asked.

"Spider-Man did. He has a good heart, otherwise he wouldn't have brought you here. That's a thing I keep telling you all but no one listens."

"He... he did this to me..." he muttered

"You did this to yourself."

"Why... are you... s-siding... with him?" He asked

"Because he's not a danger to humanity, in fact he's saving people here. Enough of this. One you fully heal you're going back to the training camp. Now sit tight and relax." I said before leaving the room.

"Is it true?!" He asked out loud, stopping me dead in my tracks.


"Is it true... that Spider-Man was... watching us in the meeting room?" I was breathless. Did someone tell him?

"Who told you that?"

"E-E... Ernst..."

No words escaped my mouth. I knew right then and there that Ernst is not a normal person. He knew and he didn't even bother to tell us. This guy is up to bigger schemes than I thought.

"How did he know?!" I asked Connie who was slowly getting sleepy from the painkillers.

"He didn't tell me, he... he said that we were... unarmed so... there was... no need to say a word."

I stayed silent as Connie spoke. I wasn't interested as to why he didn't tell us. I was interested in how he knew.

"Plus by the time we get our gear, Spider-Man..."

"Would have already been gone, I get it. Now relax and try to sleep."

"Since when... did you care... about Spider-Man?"

"Ever since he taught me the importance of life."

With that said I made my way out of the room. Outside the room I stumbled on Mikasa.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked.

"I was just about to leave." I answered.


I walked past her and to my room where I readied my equipment and set out.

First I went to the evidence room where I would inspect the 'Evidece.' Also known as Yeager's smelly clothes.

I entered the evidence room and located the stash of clothes. I had my nose closed with a wooden clothes clipper. I took the evidence to a nearby table and set them up.

I analyzed the t-shirt he wore. It was torn to shreds. By a knife. A switchblade to be exact. He was slashed and not stabbed. The blood around the wound indicates that the blood is indeed Eren's. The shreds were located near the right shoulder and in his left hip. And he also had his shirt torn by something.

"Man. Was he mugged and killed? What items did he have on his person?" I asked myself.

Going down to the pants, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) all I could see was that he had a few rips. I did see him wearing this exact ensemble the last time I ever saw him, and that's when he left the camp.
A good enough damage like that could only mean he was assaulted by, either a couple of thugs, or a big brute.
Blood was the only other thing that was pretty noticeable. He did have no damage on the parts that he wore the outfit on though. Which may mean that some of his blood has dripped onto the pants, rather than get hit there.

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