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(Eren's POV)

I woke up, finding myself on the ground in some alleyway. The skies are blue, which means it's midday. Then I remembered what happened last night.

"The spider! I-It bit me! I-I need to find help!" I stuttered.

But then I stopped and realized something. If I am alive right now, and not feeling anything wrong, that means I'm okay!

"Wait a second..."

I looked down at my hands and body, only to see that I have become physically stronger. My chest is ripped and my muscles are strong!

"Whoa! What happened?!" I asked myself .

I even noticed that my vision has gotten way better. I looked at my fingers and noticed some sticky... things... coming out of them.

"What the hell?" I said to myself

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"What the hell?" I said to myself.

I then decided to go and find some help.

I walked off and decided to head to downtown to search if I can find someone who can help me. But before I could exit the alleyway, I was surrounded by 4 homeless people.

"Hey you." One of them said.

"Back off." I ordered.

"You look like you have some money on you. Give them to us and we won't have to beat you up." Another threatened.

"On my dead body." I stated.

Then I started to feel a weird feeling. I started to sense everything around me. Then I felt that I was gonna get hit from the back.

The next thing I know is that I grabbed the attacker's wrists. I was shocked by this new strong reflex. Then the other guy that was then behind me tried to punch me as well. But before I knew it, I unconsciously jumped, did a flip mid-air and I was behind him.

He turned around and tried to punch me but I grabbed his fist and punched him back in the chest. He was sent flying away a few meters.

The other guys gazed at me, fearing for their life they then ran away. I turned around and continued walking away.

(Time skip)

My hands felt different. Some sticky things grew out of them. I approached a wall slowly and placed my left hand on it. My hand sticked to the wall. I then looked at my other hand and then placed it on the wall. Since both my hands were on the wall, I decided to climb it.

I started to remove one hand slowly and placing it higher up on the wall then do the same with the other hand. I kept doing that until I was finally at the top of the house I climbed.

"Whoa... what am I now?" I asked myself

Then I started to run on the rooftop until I reached the edge. I looked down and saw that lots of people are walking around, minding their own business. I looked forward and spotted a building.

I backed away a few steps...




"Up, up and Awaaaaaaaay!"


I found myself on the roof of the building I jumped onto. I looked at my body and saw that I'm still in one piece.

"It worked! Wooooo!"

Then I started running and running and leaping over rooftops. But... there was that one leap... that I miscalculated.

There was a jump that I failed to do because I tripped over... stuff.
(Let's not say what they are because I am not comfortable saying it - Eren 2017)

I found myself on the ground. "Ouch" I said as I slowly got up.

I noticed that there is a wooden spoon stuck to my wrist. I tried to remove it only to find that there is webbing coming out of the wrist.

I threw the spoon away and looked at my wrists. I realized at that moment that I can shoot organic web things from my wrists. I then decided that I need practice to hone these newfound powers.

"Now... how do I use my webs?" I said to myself.

I then started to say some random stuff and trying to shoot webs

"Go web go!"

"Go web!"

"Web now!!"


"Go go go!"

After some practice I discovered that I have to use my middle and ring finger to fire webs.
I started to fire webs everywhere and after a few hours of practice I perfected the ability to swing with the webs.

(Later that day)


I started web swinging and wall crawling all over the place. I enjoyed my powers, they are so fun!

And then, later that day, I found a newspaper.

An unknown person was witnessed swinging across the district of Trost with what appears to be spider webs.

Ah shit.

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