Behind Enemy Lines 2

901 26 18

(Spider-Man's POV)

Hiding under the cart was the safest way for me to infiltrate the base.

Before any of the inspectors arrived to check on the cargo, I snuck out from underneath the cart and silently moved across the base like a ghost.

Surprisingly there were lots of guards on duty at this time of day. My guess was probably because the shipment arrived later at night and they needed to get this over quick. I didn't get the vibe that they were looking for someone because the patrolling guards were pretty chill on their duty and their alert level was not as high as someone in an infiltration.

I wanted to try and maintain a good relationship with all military branches so I tried not to knock out any guards on patrol. Which made it much harder to sneak in, making me go just a wee bit more careful.

"Now where could the trainees be?" I asked myself right before heading to the top of a watchtower where a guard was keeping watch.
I silently climbed to the top of the tower without him realizing that there was someone on the roof.

The mess hall was lit and had cadets coming in and out of it, but mostly in. Which could mean that they are still dining and I have enough time to scout the base.

I decided to head to the cabins. Mikasa's cabin to me more precise.
Stealthily sneaking around the base I noticed that nobody was guarding the area which made me really confused. Until I noticed the guard weeweeing nearby.
That was my chance to sneak in to the cabins and try to see what makes Mikasa really hold a grudge.
She's a smart girl, she'd know that I couldn't have died like that. She should know something was up. Unless her sense of judgment and concentration was clouded by her anger and sadness. Which I understand, to a degree. But I'm pretty sure Mikasa wouldn't give up the search for me that easily. Unless that's what the evidence was used for which begs the question: who tampered with it and why?

Arriving at her room and slowly opened the door, expecting her to come out, but to my luck the room was empty. I snuck inside and scanned the room with my eyes. It was pretty dark but I was able to make out shapes with my enhanced vision and the fact that the torch that was carried by the patrolling guards were shedding light onto the room, giving me a slight peek as to what I'm looking at.

I noticed a box inside the room which was placed on Mikasa's bed. I opened the box and to my surprise it was my old cadet uniform. And I knew it's mine since I spotted the cadets in the mess hall were walking in and out with their uniforms for some reason. And that' the uniform is my size and all.
It's great that Mikasa kept it and it makes sense. I placed it back where I found it and took another look inside the room. Nothing there was helpful as I was only looking through Mikasa's clothing. And yes I did feel a little turned on.

I got out of the room as quickly as I can and headed to the office of the grumpy old man with a quick temper, Keith Shadis.

Moving along I overheard some guards talk about me and my heroic actions in the district. They noted the fact that I save innocent lives and stop crime and that the garrison there are warming up to me. But one thing caught my ears and that's when they said that Mikasa is being led on by Keith Shadis himself. He's the one that's pushing her to find me and 'put an end to the Spider-Man'.

It didn't sit well with me which made me go all the more quicker to his office. I expected him to be there and that's exactly what I wanted.

Arriving at his office I busted the door open with a swinging kick, only to find out that the door is already unlocked and Keith wasn't there. I quickly closed the door behind me and started rummaging through his stuff as quick and as thorough as I can.

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