Ending The Feud

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(Spider-Man's POV)

It was time to end this.

I made my way to the headquarters in the Trost district area and wanted to look for Mikasa and confront her.

My mind was racing. So Ernst tipped off Hannes, and then started this death squad to hunt me down. He made me the scapegoat for my own murder and if he succeeds in killing me, he'll be able to create an army of technologically enhanced soldiers to further his gains and schemes. It was time I stop him for good.

"I need to talk to Mikasa Ackerman." I said to one of the garrisons that I trust.

"She's here, Spider-Man. In the meeting room."

I made my way there and opened the door extremely casually and closed it behind me.
Once she saw me she pulled out her sword and was ready to attack.

"I have come here to tell you about Eren Jaeger." I stated. She sheathed her sword and listened.


"I have a strong belief on who framed me for the murder of Eren Jaeger."

"And who is it?"

"It's Ernst. He did it."

"What?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

"I found his clothes on the ground bloodied and webbed them up for the garrisons to find. But then I was framed. How utterly disappointed I am in your military's lack of... brains, to be honest."

"And why do you think that he would frame you?" Mikasa asked.

"Look at you." I said, pointing at her armor.

"You're a technologically augmented soldier capable of doing wonders. Nothing but layers upon layers of metal separates your flesh from the outside world. You lost touch with this world after Eren's death and that's what Ernst needs. Soulless merciless super soldiers, following his orders to the letter. He made you into a merciless hunter, Springer into a lighting bolt, Wagner into a flying freak and what next, huh? If you managed to kill me, what stops him from proving his task force is a great idea and establish you as his own puppets, swayed and controlled by every word he says? What makes you think he would not turn other soldiers into killing machines and makes his Death Squad, no scratch that, Death Army and then no one can tell what happens next?!"

She took a second to reflect on my words. She took a moment to take a gander at herself. All she saw was an armor, owned by a freak who wants nothing but domination and money. An armor that had war written all over it. And she knew it. She understood what I said.

"Would Eren want this? No. In fact I believe he would spit in your face if he was still here."

"No!" She exclaimed. "This would never have happened should he have stayed alive!"

I got a great idea. I'll use Ernst tactic against him.
I'll frame him for my murder!

"Oh yea? What if he was the one to murder your beloved childhood friend? What would you do then? It's obvious. A young soul who had her friend killed would be easily swayed into becoming a machine of mindless murder and manslaughter just so she can have a taste of revenge. And who's better to blame than the superhero swinging around, saving lives and stopping criminals?"

Mikasa stayed silent. She only gazed at me. She was processing my words and really putting thought into them. She was beginning to understand, hopefully. Who knew that all we needed to do was talk?

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