Spider-Man VS Squad Mikasa Part 2

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(Spider-Man's POV)

"Phew! Haha!"

I finally escaped Mikasa and her team and put some distance between their last known location and mine.

"Oh my god! That was amazing... I should watch out next time..." I exclaimed to myself. "Oh lord."

I hid inside an empty building where I decided to take a break for a while and probably make a plan.

"Man, they train too hard! Especially Mikasa." I said as I took off my mask and relaxed my muscles.

My eyelids slowly started to get heavy as I slowly began drifting to sleep.

But then, I heard the sound of a woman screaming in an alleyway. I put on my mask and jumped out of the closest window.

I web-slinged into action as I found the source of the screams. A poor woman was getting robbed by a couple of bad guys and may or may not get raped.

As I swung at one bad guy, I kicked him in the face and then jumped on the other one and webbed him up while I was mid-air.

I landed on the ground next to the third one and that's when I punched him in the stomach and then struck him with an uppercut and then tied my webs around his feet.

I then spun him around a few times before throwing him to the wall and webbing him.
The woman had already escaped by now.

The first one got up and grabbed me by the back but I already sensed him coming so I just flipped him over and webbed him to the floor and left.

But then, and as I was web-swinging across town, I felt my spider-sense warning me of an attack.

I evaded the attack from my back and looked at the attacker. It was Mikasa and her crew.

"Oh dang it!" I exclaimed

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"Oh dang it!" I exclaimed.

I tried to escape them by going all around the town, left, right and center. I did some flips and went between alleyways and even though buildings and I still didn't lose them.

I had my doubts for a second, but then an idea struck my mind.

I thought that I should get them to land on a rooftop and web their gears, preventing them from firing anchors or thrusting away. And that's what I decided to do.

I landed on a rooftop and so did they.

"Nice to meet you again, guys! How's your day going so far?" I asked.

"We've seen better days. But busting you would make my day." Annie replied.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Enough talk! We'll put an end to this right here, right now." Mikasa said as she got ready to fight.

"Aren't you supposed to kill titans?" I asked.

But before anyone could answer me, I webbed Mikasa's entire face. As she was trying to get the webs out of her face, I proceeded as planned.

I jumped behind Jean and webbed his gears and slammed him to the ground and webbed his legs then I slapped Armin, who tried to attack me, and webbed him at Ymir and then tied their gears together.

I then slid between Reiner and Annie after they decided to do a teamwork attack on me, and webbed their legs together and then webbed Annie and knocked her out before knocking Reiner down on the ground. I then webbed Sasha on the ground after striking her with an uppercut that sent her flying a few meters away.
Then I tried to escape.

I hauled ass for the walls. The top of the walls. I knew there would be no way for me to swing away from the top of the walls except for the outer sides of said walls or back to the town, which I had no intentions of heading back to before this battle would be over. But neither can they be able to escape.
They cannot use the gears up there since there is nothing they can fire their anchors at. BUT I can still kick ass without the webs.

And as I suspected, Mikasa and Reiner followed me. I knew this would happen. Now that they are right where I want them, I could easily finish this battle and take my well-deserved rest.

But I knew exactly what is going on inside Mikasa's head. Now that she knows how much of a 'Threat' I am, She'll push herself to the limits.
And trust me when I say you do not want to be in the receiving end of Mikasa's Fury.

Mikasa fought like a god. She kept swinging her swords left and right with all her might. I could barely even dodge some of her attacks, Mikasa did leave some sharp cuts on my body that didn't hurt at the time due to the rush of adrenaline.

Reiner acknowledged that he cannot interfere in the fight, so he stayed out of it as much as possible.

I knew that I couldn't take on Mikasa for long. All my strength would mount to nothing since I do not want to hurt her. But I do not have any other choice. If I don't, I would end up dead.

I decided that in this situation, the best action to take is to fight Mikasa and end the battle. And that's exactly what I did.

I webbed Mikasa's blades one by one as she was swinging them at me and evaded a few more of her attacks by doing backflips and then I kicked her in the stomach as soon as she got close. Then I webbed her eyes and did a leg sweep, knocking her down.

She instantly got up and recovered from those hits and punched me repeatedly all over my torso and face. But when I had enough I grabbed her hand and broke her combo before I punched her in the face.

I then webbed up Reiner and fired a web rope at him and used him as a projectile to hit Mikasa with a 360° spin attack. A web throw, I call it.

I then webbed them both up.

"Just stop... please... I beg you. I am not posing any danger to the civilians of the town and I am NOT gonna kill people." I stated. "So please... stop trying to hunt me down."

And with that I left them on the top of the walls. I decided to head back to trost and stay there for a while, since my apartment is there.

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