Behind Enemy Lines

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(Spider-Man's POV)

"Help!" I heard someone scream. It was the voice of an old man and he didn't seem pretty fond of the situation he's in.

I quickly leapt into action and witnessed someone who was indeed an old man hanging from the roof of his house. Below him was a broken ladder that, even if placed again under him, cannot even reach him.

I swept in, swung through the air and grabbed the man from the waist and slowly and carefully placed him on solid ground.

"Are you alright, sir?" I asked. "That was quite the height."

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. The only thing I have to worry about now is pigeon poop on my roof, now that this old ladder is worthless." He said.

"Yea well the important thing is that you're safe and sound. I don't believe that cleaning pigeon feces is worth risking your life." I stated.

I looked at him and rather than seeing the tired eyes of an old man, I saw passion, excitement and most of all a great boost of energy.

"Nuff said, Nuff said. Thanks Spider-Man. Not just for saving my life, but for inspiring me and giving me new ideas!" He said.

"Uuh... and you mean..."

"I'm a professional writer, son! For years I've been suffering from writer's block. But thanks to you I've been given new inspiration!
I'll make a novel that talks about the journey of the masked hero." He said, driven by excitement and a burst of energy.
"A book I'll title: The Amazing Spider-Man."

"Uuh yea. Thanks. I'll be sure to swing by and check it out. I didn't get your name sir." I said.

"Stan. Call me Stan." He replied.

"Sure thing Stan! See you around!" I said as I swung away.

As I was swinging around I was thinking that the sudden attacks from Mika's team are getting more and more frequent. If they can attack at any time they please, they must have established a base of operations somewhere around this district.

The military HQ wouldn't be a bad guess since it easily provides all the equipments, training grounds and sleeping bunkers they need.
From there, they can always retreat at any time, resupply and then redeploy any time they please.

I decided it's best if I swing by and try to sneak myself in and learn anything useful. Maybe find out what they're planning and what's their next move.
Swinging by the base I find them still trying to repair the damage that was caused from my battle with Mikasa and whatever the heck happened back then.
From what I could tell they were done rebuilding most of the place and only had a couple of rooms left.

I've noticed that in recent times the garrisons attack on me have declined in numbers. Possibly due to them realizing that I am not a threat but a helping hand in maintaining the peace and safety of the people but Mikasa's team is only focused on hunting me down and unlike the garrisons, their number of attacks have increased.

I spotted an open window that leads into a big room. I jumped through the window and web-zipped myself up to the ceiling.
I took a glance at the room and realized that it's a meeting room of some sorts.

Inside the room was a big, detailed map of the district with red circles around areas that I assume are the areas I have been spotted and areas with spider logos inside circles are the areas that Mikasa's team and I have fought each other. I was definitely sure of my second guess because I could easily remember and identify all the locations with the circled spider logos as locations we definitely fought each other. How could I forget locations where none other than Mikasa tried to kill me in?

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