Spider-Man VS Everyone

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(Spider-Man's POV)

I found myself at my house, sitting down on a chair. Looking at my injuries and trying to fix my costume.

The things that caught my eyes was that steam was coming out of my body. I didn't know why's that, but I am sure this has to do with being injured as the steam was coming out of my wounds.

I had to investigate what is the source of the steam but that was for another time. Right now I cut the hair on the back since it was getting too long and I returned it to it's regular length.

The thing that was haunting me is the fact that Mikasa is so determined on beating me that she got to her limits. I've never seen her reach her limits except for that time... when I saved her.

I still couldn't wrap my head around this. Why were they sent to arrest me? Where are the Military Police?

Well who knows really. Those MPs are probably sitting on their asses doing nothing while I do their work. Disgusting.

It was nearly midnight and I felt like I needed to do a stroll around town. One last shift.

That's when I opened the window of my apartment and web-slung away. Slinging across town, minding my own business and guarding the safety of the people.

And then I spotted her. Mikasa. Again...

This time she was just roaming around the place, no entourage whatsoever. She was probably doing a simple patrol. I approached her with extreme caution.

"Hello there!" I said.

The reaction on her face was priceless.

"You're here?!" She exclaimed.

"Yea. Can we PLEEEAAASSEEE talk normally and not fight?" I asked her.

She answered with a direct attack that I dodged. We started to fight mid-air.

It was mostly me trying to web her up or web-shoot her and her trying to slash and cut me with her blades. None of us was able to achieve anything. Sometimes I'd land a hit or two with my fists and sometimes she'd do the same thing, but neither of us was able to get the upper hand no matter what.

We both landed on a rooftop and ran towards each other, fists colliding, fingers interlocking, trying to push one another...

"Why are you so determined on taking me down?!" I shouted.

"You killed someone close to me!" She shouted back. "YOU KILLED EREN!"


That caught me off guard. It was too late as I found myself getting kneed in the stomach and falling on the ground.

I looked at Mikasa and saw the tears in her eyes. I just could not believe what words came out of her mouth.

'You killed Eren?! But I AM EREN!!'

And yet she still doesn't know that...

"You killed him... I found his clothes in a bloody mess... and your WEBS attached to it!" She shouted.

She tried to stab me with her swords but I evaded just in time and took the battle back in Mid-Air.

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