Pride Of A Superhero

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(Eren's POV)

I entered my house through the window after a rough night in the arena. I was able to make some money. Enough to buy me a good portion of food that would last me three months.
As if the food that I got from the people as 'thanks' for errands I do and the saving people, stopping crime and all that stuff, wasn't enough.

I took off my suit and decided to clean myself. I went to the bathtub and placed some hot water in it and then took a nice, relaxing bath.
After that I went and cleaned my suit after checking it for any cuts. I was very tired and didn't want to start suing stuff in the middle of the night.
Fortunately there was none, as I managed to keep it nice and as good as new.

I always wonder what Mikasa would feel like if she knew how good I am at taking care of myself, but then again, I wouldn't live another peaceful day for the rest of my life.
Although, I shouldn't be thinking of that since she believes that I have been killed, and my murderer was none other than me. She's after me, and wants to kill me for murdering myself.
It is weird beyond words.

Other than that, there is the fact that I have those steam powers. From what I've experienced, it seems not to be related to my spider powers. As I could swear I have had wounds that healed fast when I was in the cadet corps. But I have never been able to remember any of this before these past few weeks.

The next morning I set out early and headed down the streets of the districts, wearing a cloak I bought not long ago from a nice merchant. A cloak long enough to cover my entire body.

"Have you heard? The Spider-Man saved a family from being robbed and killed!" I heard two people talking.
Then I heard another group: "You heard that Spider-Man bloke delivered a baby back to his mum?"
"From the hands of traffickers, yes."
"Man, this guy's my idol."
"I hope those bastard MPs will let him mind his own business."
"Yea! More power to him!"

All the people in the streets were speaking about me. I was the talk of the town. And I had a great reputation, which made my heart riddled with joy.
Never in my wildest dreams have I thought of becoming so respected and looked upon by the regular folk.
"Spider-Man saved my business! Tonight, we drink a toast to him!" One particular shop owner said out loud. A man I saved his business by stopping a cart that was filled with all his goods and used by a bunch of thugs.

I might have made some fans, but I also have made enemies and haters.
And by that I mean the thugs from deep within the criminal underworld.
That is to be expected since I had a major role in foiling their plans and schemes.
And that made me more weary than ever.

There was a pub, bar, casino, brothel or someplace of the same kind where all the bad people would hang out. I heard about it through a few thugs back in the fighting arena. Mercenaries, assassins, human-hunters, petty thugs, etc.
I decided to stay away from that place as far as possible and instead, rather than trying to take all of them into custody, eavesdrop on them to learn about their plans and try to stop them.
I've been successful time and time again. Although I kept wondering why nobody suspected me of being there.
This time I planned to go inside the lions den.

I decided to hang around the place and try to keep an eye out for anyone that seem to be planning mischief as I arrived in the afternoon.
Waking around town is way slower and less convenient than swinging around the place. But it's still a lot less conspicuous and proves useful for eavesdropping, stalking and many other useful tactics in the cunning art of stealth.

Then nighttime came around. I started then to plan my approach as I watched countless men enter the pub. Some of them were petty thieves, others were outright professional killers for hire.

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