The Final Showdown

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Hey, fellow Attack On Titan and Spider-Man fans! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think about this chapter! Thanks!

(Spider-Man's POV)

I came to, feeling debris on my back with only my hands free. Slowly breathing I opened my eyes and looked around. Only to see the evil version of myself punching Mikasa in the face and kicking her around. I looked at her face and saw tears in her eyes as she took punches after punches and still not being able to fight back.

She could not fight back. She does not want to fight back. What she sees in front of her is Eren Jaeger. The kid who saved her when she was a child. But she did not see the cheerful boy with the ambitions and belief of a titan-free world, she saw a hideous, evil monster beating her up and intending to turn her into his slave for his own uses. But that beast was still Eren Jaeger.
She could not bring herself to fight him.

"Mikasa!" I yelled. "He's not the Eren you know!"

Evil me noticed that I was wide awake and approached me after knocking Mikasa out. He got on one knee and smiled at me with his red eyes and evil grin.

"Glad you could join us, I would like to inform your that Mikasa is already aware of who I am and what I do. I told her just before you arrived, and I just wish. I wish you were there to see the look on her face once she saw who I am. But... I have a tendency to... spoil things. She basically fell on her knees and began crying, believing me a demon revenant from hell coming back to haunt her or something. I laughed at her and her ideas as she cried my name!" He then proceeded to mimic her in means of mocking her. "Oh Eren... Bwah Bwah Bwah!!! Hahahaha! Ah, I love watching her suffer over and over again as I kill her, over and over again."

"I don't know what... happened to you but... I will not let you take her away from me..."

"Oh you wanna know what happened to me?" He asked. "Sure. I'll tell you. In fact, I'll let you see, hear and experience it all for yourself!"

He immediately took off my mask and threw it right in front of me. Right before he placed his fingers on my forehead, causing me an excruciating headache, prompting me to scream in pain.

I started to see memories... of me when I was in training... but those memories did not happen! I also started to see the wall being attacked by the colossal titan... but this time I was on top of the wall, with my cadet uniform and other cadets. Then I witnessed the murder of dozens of cadets, me turning into a titan and wrecking the hell out of other titans, placing a boulder in front of the gates to Trost district, Levi, me joining the scouts, Annie... a titan, Reiner, Bertholdt... as well as a guy called... Rod Reiss... Kri-Historia?!

And now it was time for me to see the true even that changed that version of me to the worst. It was at at a nighttime. The night that will haunt evil me for the rest of his cursed life.
Evil me stumbled upon a... a relic... a crystal of sorts that was black in color but had something glowing inside it. Once I picked it up I felt heavy... then glowing red hands emerged out of the red core of the crystal and grabbed my wrist, merging themselves with me and implanting those evil demonic thoughts and feelings into myself. I felt the burn of the crystal's touch emerging from my hands and traversing it's way throughout my body. All I could do was scream in pain as it took over my mind, heart and soul. My vision started to turn red and everything around me turned into dark, chaotic versions of themselves. I fell on my knees, unable to stand due to the immense pain and shift I was going through that I could not withstand. My hair turned black, my eyes turned red, and my soul... was destroyed. Broken and reassembled by the evil that courses through my veins and resides within my very being, into a demon.
And then I felt it.
Bloodlust. A thirst for murder and chaos. A desire to destroy every living thing that has ever walked this world and more...
And I felt power, power, and a craving for more power.
The tears of fear and pain were replaced by a demonic grin... follows by a deafening laugh of evil.

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