The Good In Her Heart

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(Spider-Man's POV)

Jumping out of my apartment window I attached a web to a building and swung around it, landing on it and wall running on it's side. I then jumped from that building onto the next, doing a frontal flip midair and then landing on the edge of the roof with my hands before pushing myself off the building, giving me a boost of speed.

That's when I passed the area I fought Mikasa in a while ago. I swung so low, passing some citizens and workers.

"Comin' through!"

"Looking good, Spidey!" A woman shouted.

"Hellooo Districts of the Walls!" I jumped on the back of a cart and then ran on its roof before jumping off and webbing two buildings and pulling myself for an extra speed and momentum boost.

"New suit! Same old me!"

I zipped myself past some buildings, making my way towards the Garrison HQ.
I wanted to find out who made that suit for Mikasa and try to stop them from making more. If I know my schemers well, I'd wager they are already creating and designing a new suit for her. Maybe even improving on the flaws of the predecessor while also adding new features to it.

I have to keep myself ready and assume all possibilities while also be focused and prepared.
Gladly I got myself some web shooters now which should give me stronger webs with a more accurate web discharge and longer range.

Arriving at the HQ I landed on a wall, above a window where I saw a group of soldiers discussing.
I overheard them talking with someone quite unfamiliar. Someone shady.

"The mission was a failure." Mikasa's voice was too obvious for me. I was pretty much used to her dead but sometimes sweet and beautiful voice after all the time we spent together. "The suit and gadgets you gave me did a pretty solid job. But he was way stronger than any of us anticipated."

"You assumed he is just a man with a conspicuous suit and cool moves that swings around the place. A daredevil with a knack to stop criminals. You were wrong and all the evidence that was gathered by the garrisons suggested so. But I guess you like to just jump head first into things rather than try to learn your opponent first." The individual said.

I peeked through just a little bit to see what that person looks like. And what I was able to see that he was an old man with grey hair, sporting a tuxedo along with a fedora with matching colors, that being black. He also held a cane in his hand. I would assume it's for walking, but from what I can see, he walked around the room just fine.

His voice was deeper than most and did give off this old and experienced vibe. Although I have never seen or heard of him before and he does look evil. Is he the same individual I overheard talk about all around the criminal underworld?

"Okay. He is evil."

"Let me ask you this, Mikasa. Are you great at multitasking?" The shady man asked.

"What?" Mikasa replied.

"Are you great; at multitasking?" He repeated, taking breaks in his sentences to make sure Mikasa heard him right.

"I suppose so. Why?" Mikasa looked so confused at that point. But I wasn't. I knew he's planning to make her do more than just fight.

"I'm going to make sure you learn how to grasp all the knowledge you need out of your opponents' fighting techniques while in the middle of combat. I want you to learn how to predict your enemies moves long before they do them and be prepared to act accordingly. That while also using your gadgets and trying not to get killed."

"All these tasks? Do you think that I am some form of a Taskmaster or something?" Mikasa asked, which got her a smirk from the individual.

"No. I do not think that." He answered.

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