VS Electro

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(Eren's POV)

Staying at home today was the best option I had. No crime, no one on the streets, nothing. Rain, rain, and more rain. That's what's happening outside.

"Oh man... rain really does bring moods down. I bet even criminals feel the same too. Is that a good thing?" I asked myself out loud. "Is rain a good thing or a bad thing?"

All I had to look forward to was the vegetable soup I made for myself. I made sure I selected the healthiest and tastiest of ingredients... and just mixed them up together.

"This looks... delicious."  I said to myself as I marveled at my own creation. "You... my friend are gonna be my very first love interest!"

Once I had a taste of the delicious soup, I realized how good it tasted. I sat back and started to swallow the food as slowly as possible to not burn my mouth. It was like a party in my mouth. I could taste the cooked carrots and other vegetables as I crunched them in my mouth.

"Mmm... I should practice the culinary arts!" I said with mouth stuffed with food. "I'm the chef humanity needs but does not want!"

But then it dawned on me. As I was thinking of cooking food and being Spider-Man, I could balance the two with "I'll make my own Spider-Man restaurant with then web delivery service!"

But then I realized that although the delivery would be fast. The food would be delivered fast... and smashed.

"Oh... okay only the restaurant then!"

It started to thunder outside while I was announcing my future job with passion and complete optimism.

"Okay... I was going for the optimistic vibe, not the evil genius maniac type of vibe."

But then I realized that the lightning was focused on one location. And that was on the wall.

"Well... maybe it wasn't me who was going for the evil genius vibe."

I quickly ran into the closet and put on my suit.

"This is a job for...
Freaking Mother Nature! But whatever. She doesn't super hero around, does she? I ain't afraid of no lightning!" I said in a completely scared voice.

(Spider-Man's POV)

"If lighting strikes in your neighborhood, who you don't call? Spider-Man!" I sang.

Then I quickly came to the realization that eating soup and swinging through the district was a pretty bad idea.

"The soup I'll puke and I don't feel so good, who you don't call? Spider-Man!"

I stopped on a rooftop and then I took my mask off and puked my life out!

"Next time... I'll just jump from rooftop... EWHGHGH!"

After 5 minutes of puking under the rain I felt better and quickly got back into the lightning business and headed to the source.

I webbed the wall and ran to the top as fast as I could knowing that this is something not natural.

And right then and there, I knew I was going to face my very first supernatural enemy.
I saw a person raising their hand up and having lighting strike on it. He seemed pretty unharmed, actually on second thought he seemed to be absorbing the lightning!

He looked at me and my heart dropped at the realization of his identity. He was Connie.

"Ah! Webhead! Nice suit! How do you like mine?" He asked.

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