Returning to the Fight

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After Eren's battle with the entire military force, he had to lay low. He decided to try and clear his own name, as everyone thought that Eren's alter ego, Spider-Man had killed him.
Given his current circumstances, he couldn't fight crime anymore. With no other option than illegal fighting, Eren went at midnight to the new tournament, held underground.

(Eren's POV)

Without my Spider-Man identity, I could not fight crime but I could still participate in the fighting tournaments. I realized that I had no other choice and nothing to lose, I made my way to the tournament.

I was already deep in thought about what Mikasa told me. That I 'Killed Eren Yeager'. I killed myself. Was that a misunderstanding or was it a deliberate act to frame me?

She said blood was on my torn clothes, the same clothes that she last saw me wearing. Though I do remember correctly that I didn't injure myself that time when I took my clothes off, apart from a few knife wounds from fighting bad guys as a rookie, just before I arrived to the tournament, I was in a hurry to get to the tournament, but I was fully aware of what happened that day.

I took my clothes off, I webbed them to the wall, high enough that no one can reach them, and I swung away from the scene after I saved the day like usual. I remember though that I did not come back to retrieve my clothes as I forgot about them. It was only later that I remembered them when fighting Mikasa and her team of 'Elite Cadets'.

The thought of me being framed is bad enough, let alone for my own murder! That is worthy of being a crime in and of itself.

As I entered the fighting arena, I started to hear the people cheering already for me. I knew that since I was the guy who took down one of their best fighters. Honor and respect come from strength and winning in these places. It's the only thing I didn't like here.

I stared at my opponent, one of the usual tall, jacked muscles type of guys, ready to smack my head face first into the floor, or so they think. And as the match started, he charged straight at me, but I evaded him by jumping over him and doing a flip to get behind him.

"How do you do that?!" He asked, clearly shocked.

"Natural talent" I replied. "Also you should do something about that smell of yours. You smell of beer and... piss, probably, yeah definitely piss."

My words angered him as he charged again, straight at me while yelling a battle cry. I did the same thing as last time, evading him, only this time, I grabbed his head and we both went falling to the ground. I got up and kicked him in the chest as he tried to get back up. I started to kick the living hell out of him and listen as the crowd cheered on.

Since the arena we were in was caged, I pulled him up by force, punched him in the stomach and slammed his head face-first into the steel cage. I then started repeatedly slamming and slamming his head into the steel and listened to the crowd cheer on.

It was half a minute later that I realized what I've done. I immediately released my grip off my opponents head. But it was already too late. The damage as already been done.
I watched as he fell down to the ground, his face all red with blood. He was alive, but unconscious. I checked his pulse and made sure he's alive before I pinned him and won my first match. I immediately went back to my room and started thinking about what I did to the poor man.

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