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(Eren's POV)

It was nearing midnight. Annie was fully naked and asleep next to me. And I was sitting on my bed, contemplating the stars.

From the second I took off my mask she said she will not tell a soul. I didn't think Annie would fall in love, let alone with me.

After we finished she asked me how. I told her I was bit by a spider and all of that and she did believe me. But I'm still not sure I'll be used to this 'Annie and I are together' bit. But It'll get normal in no time.

Annie didn't want me to tell anybody either. As if she understood what this all means all too clearly. I'd say she's feeling empathetic.

I looked back at her in the bed and realized how her entire image in my head changed from this angry stoic dead girl to this beautiful angel. Did I really change her?

Before she fell asleep she asked me if I can go back in the ring and fight once more. She promised the boss she'd tell me. Say, I didn't get the boss' name.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked with her sweet voice that I didn't know she had.

"Me? Power, Responsibility, Food, stuff like that."

"Mmmm... food. What are you thinking?" She asked.

"Maybe... steak?"

"Steak..." She trailed off with her sleepy mind. "Yea I'd like some meat in me right now..."

"Aw come on! Wasn't the past two hours enough?" I asked.

"I'll never have enough of you..."


I looked back at the window and realized it's late.



"You have to go. It's late."

"Five more minutes..."

"No Annie. Mikasa'll get angry."

"Alright, alright..."

She got up and lazily got ready. She was too tired. I just can't believe how much she could handle herself in the sheets. She's definitely badass.
I made sure I don't get a mini Eren running around though. No need for that, no sir.

"So what are you gonna do?" She asked.

"Me? I'll just swing around the city and blow off some steam."

"I could blow off your steam if you like..." She teased.

"You've blown, alright. And you're tongue is really good." I replied. "Now go."

"What should I tell Mikasa?"

"Hmm... I don't know... that you found out that a... uh..." I realized that getting a good excuse to Mikasa isn't going to be easy. But then an idea dawned on me. I got up and went to get one of my worn out shoes.

"Here you go. Give these to Mikasa and tell her you found them off a homeless guy in the streets near the crime scene. They..." I paused for a second and went to smell them. "Eww! They definitely have my smell! Oh, lords above!"

"Okay. I do have my clipper on hand."

She placed her clipper on and went off back to HQ.
And since it was close to midnight, I decided to go and buy myself some new pair of clothes with the money I have from the last time I fought.

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