Second Meet( accidental?)

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Weekend pt1
My first weekend without parents,
I was sad and stressed with new atmosphere, it was welcoming me yet I was not happy. I woke up early, actually I barely slept at night after coming here due to the fact that I never slept without my mother patting me to sleep.
I decided to go to a nearby park which I had noticed from the car. Maybe because I wanted company with nature.
While going I took a pack of biscuit with me to feed the birds.
Half panting half sweating I reached the park. It was all sunny but a bit to early for people to visit. I sat on a nearby bench to rest and started admiring nature as well as the designs of building on the other side of road, being an architect I can't ignore the fact that I fancy over buildings .
Then I noticed a shady tree full of birds.
I advanced towards the tree and started sprinkling the broken pieces of biscuit on the grounds so that the birds could eat.
I always felt an inner happiness and relief from stress when I feed birds.
I was enjoying the bedlam of birds when I saw a cute little brown puppy coming running towards me shooing all the birds away.
I realized he also wanted those biscuits, I bowed and sat down in front of him and gave him a biscuit. He wagged his tail and ate the biscuit happily. I patted him , and said "I guess you also understand only Korean". In this atmosphere I realized I desperately wanted someone to talk to. I started to look for his master while he ate those biscuits, I knew his master would be upset. Then I saw someone wearing a black outfit with a black cap and black mask coming I knew He was the dog's master. As soon he stood before me , I bowed quickly and started explaining that I didn't steal the dog or trying to kidnap him. To which the man was chuckling( I could figure it though he was wearing mask). He lowered his mask and gave a smile. And I was stunned....he was...he was the MIN YOONGI. I don't know maybe I stared at him for five minutes long. Then I came back to my senses and heard him saying "I know it was not your fault, actually I felt asleep on the bench while holding the leash . I adopted him five months ago so he needs more training." I politely asked him, " What was the dog's name ?"
Yoongi answered with a smile, "Min Holy," he added with a smile, " I see Holy loves your company, and biscuits too." I was a bit nervous to even talk to him , fearing my inner fangirl doesn't just show up all of a sudden. I gave Holy another biscuit, meanwhile. Suddenly he asked,"I have seen you somewhere, were you at Bighit office the previous day , the coughing girl?" I was shook , and my inner me was like--wow what a name "coughing girl"--
I replied,"Yes ,I'm the coughing girl."
He then continued, "So you are new here in Korea , have you tasted our cuisines? Have you visited the cool places here?"
To which I bluntly said "No"
He said, " you should , and if you want to meet Holy just text me,being in the company it will be my pleasure to keep our architect team member happy" and laughed.
He then gave his number, and was going to say something more when.......some crazy fangirls screamed from a distance "SUGA Oppaaaaaa....."
He quickly picked up Holy who was still was chewing the biscuit, and started running quickly,
Then before leaving he said," When in need , just text me"
And he disappeared from the place quickly. Maybe his car was parked by the park.
After this meeting I was in a state of shock.
During the whole journey back to home I recalled the meeting, his voice, his smile everything.
Then while opening my room's lock I realized........ he doesn't know my name, he forgot to ask that. Damn!!!!!
What do you think will they meet xD again normally?
Or will he always remember you as "coughing girl" 😂

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