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So we decided to exchange our letters through Soyoon on Wednesday.

Whole Tuesday I thought what to write, but on Wednesday during lunch time ,I finally sat with a paper and a pen.

(Written in bold means I wrote it ,italics means I thought)

Ummm.....what to write......Miss you ?
But wouldn't that be mainstream, I mean he knows that , damn where my writing skills has gone.
It has been almost 4years I wrote an informal letter.

I thought what to write as I held my pen between my mouth.

Maybe,I I should ask someone. But wait this is my letter, thoughts should be mine .
Lets write greetings first.

I held the pen,and wrote-

Dear Min Yoongi,
Hope you had a great day, I missed you .

Did missed you sound cliched?
Leave it lets start writing,words will come automatically.

I know that this will not be a perfect letter but I believe you'll read it ,so I'm trying my best. Whenever I am trying to pen down my thoughts, my other worries and thoughts are blocking my actual thoughts.
Like I want to write some lovely words to you ,but I am getting deviated to write,
"Are you okay? Have you missed me? Are you feeling okay working from home? Are you not sad that you are leaving your dorm?"
I know it's weird but really I can't think of anything other . I mean yes I love you but I'm unable to find words to express myself through this letter.
You know I miss your voice, your...

Will be alright to write scent ? No lets write it as warmth .

warmth. I miss your everything, I miss spending moments with you, I know it's only 5days still I can feel something is missing.
I decided to keep it short and sweet, I know you'll be a disappointed as it's really not a love letter but I tried hard but I was confused . I promise next day I'll try to write a proper letter.


Coughing architect.

Umm I guess this is enough, will have to work hard on these letters from next time otherwise he'll think I'm not serious enough .
Damn I lost how many times I blushed while writing this letter,
Damn I very much pre occupied with his thoughts that it blocked me from writing a lovely letter.


That evening Soyoon took my letter and gave me his letter.


I came home, opened the envelope..... something fell.
There was something wrapped with a paper inside the envelope along with the letter.
I picked up the thing and opened the paper......and saw.....

Seriously Min Yoongi! Cupcake earrings

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Seriously Min Yoongi! Cupcake earrings .
I thought and smiled .
I was throwing away the paper when I saw something is written there, it read---

Dear coughing architect,
I know you saw the gift and most probably you are smiling right now.
Sorry,I couldn't send you real muffins so this is a substitute for that.
As for letter, to be honest this is the real letter, there's nothing relevant written in the actual letter .
I was confused what to write, I know it's hard to believe genius Min Yoongi was confused what to write in a letter despite the fact he produces beautiful songs.
So , I really missed you.
I realized how much I love you, you know I was drinking coffee and all those incidents that happened between us over coffee floated in front of my eyes.
I want to talk to you, I promise as soon as I get my new number I'll call you first.
It's so hard to be inside the home for a whole day without seeing other people, I now understand how you felt when you used to stay in home when you broke your leg , I feel guilty that I should have given you more time during that phase .
But guess what I'm improving my English skills so that I can write better letters.
Next time I promise there will be a better letter.

I love you, have a good day.
Min Yoongi.

This was written in the paper but I was curious what was there in the big folded letter.
I decided to open it and I was shocked.......


Min Yoongi I know you'll never change.

So that was our first letter.
Awkward but sweet.

Please wait for next letter......
Tomorrow is my birthday I'm so excited 😳

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