Freedom date?

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Continuation of previous chapter
After 15mins or so I was ready, doing my important things- bathing and dressing. I wore an one piece and applied a light foundation, for the sake of hiding my oily skin. I tied my hair into a small messy bun,I was too lazy to do anything more and wore slipper in one foot only.
Then I opened the door of bedroom and went to the drawing room where Emily,Amanda and Yoongi were sitting and chatting.
I noticed , Yoongi looked at me and then turned his face to the side and started smiling.
Emily and Amanda soon got up from the sofa . Emily said,"Wait I'll be ready in 5mins."
Amanda said,"Today I'm damn sure we'll be late for this Emily. I'm going inside with her to help her dress in 5mins , you two sit here and talk ." and smirked.
I widened my eyes in disapproval and was going to tell something when she pinched my cheeks and said,"Why are you afraid of him ? He's such a nice guy . Don't be shy , I know you also want to talk with him in private, but you'll not tell us nor him that you want to talk with him in private."
Soon after I was alone with Mr Yoongi in our drawing room.
I noticed he was constantly smiling, so I asked him directly,"Why are you smiling am I looking that bad ?"
He replied,"Am I smiling? Oops sorry, actually I was thinking about my coughing architect in pajamas along with toothbrush in mouth. It was such a nice change. Be seated this is your apartment only."

I also started smiling when I thought about the thing that happened in the morning. Then I sat on the sofa,no not beside me him as usual he was sitting on the chair.
Again there was a silence of awkwardness, I don't know why there is still awkwardness between us.
To cut the silence he took the first initiative, he suddenly said,"After you are free from plaster lets go on a date , I feel there's still some awkwardness between us. We need to know more about each other ."

I was shocked by his words ,and replied,"Wait what ,you asked me for a date.....(pause)....Ok but what we will call this date...Freedom date ?" and chuckled.

He replied,"Ahh Freedom date , I like the name , let's go on a freedom date."
He was going to say something when I cut his words by saying,"But in this broad daylight where will we go? People will notice you even if you cover your face with face mask . How will we talk if you have your face mask on ? Don't get me wrong, sorry these thoughts just automatically came out from mouth,I'm sorry."

He laughed at my tensed being. Ahhh his laugh his gummy laugh.
Then he replied while looking into my eyes ,"Don't worry I've my secret places."
I was going to say something when my two teammates entered the drawing room .
Yoongi noticed them and said,"Lets go ."
Amanda said," You three proceed I'm coming after finishing with locks and all."
Soon we reached the basement where his car was parked . Yoongi directed me to sit in the front seat beside him. Both Emily and Yoongi helped me to get seated. Soon Amanda also came . Then three of them got inside the car. Yoongi got inside and again helped me with the seat belt to which my so helpful teammates started coughing to tease me.
I looked back at them and they were like , "Mr Min where is the water? We just got choked."
Yoongi replied ,"At the back of seat check "
Amanda replied,"Ah yes got , thank you."
Then he started to drive,I checked the watch it was ,8:45, and commented ,"We have to reach there in 15mins"

To which Emily replied,"y/n, are you happy or sad? Happy that we are on time or sad that you are getting only 15mins to seat beside him." and started laughing.
I looked at her and pouted , then I noticed Yoongi was also laughing.
Amanda said to Yoongi,"Mr Min , don't you feel that your date is so shy? So much shy that she rarely talks with you when you are with her,I told her many a times to break her shy bubble and be free but I guess she didn't listen to my words. Please help her." and chuckled.
Yoongi while concentrating on driving replied,"My date and shy ? Ah you are mistaken, I've caught her many times staring at me in awe . She just feels a bit awkward talking to me at few times ,mainly when we are in front of other people" and laughed.

I was so embarrassed and in reflex I hit him lightly. The next moment I realized my gesture and became more  embarrassed and while looking down I said,"Sorry."
He looked at Amanda and commented,"Look she just burst her shy bubble."
Then he stopped the car,looked at me and said,"Don't worry it didn't hurt but I felt happy that you were able to come out from your awkwardness even if for a few seconds. I always want you to be free when with me, there's nothing to pressured of . Be free."
To this my teammates prompted from back seat,"Awwwwww." and we both looked at them and chuckled.
He then commented,"See we reached the hospital,its just 8:55"
Then while helping me to the chamber where plaster was to be cut he whispered beside my ears,"Remember the freedom date ok"

......thank God he didn't notice the slipper on my one foot, or maybe he noticed that's why he was smiling I totally forgot about the slipper......

What will happen in freedom date ? Will she be able to get freedom from her awkward bubble

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