Let's wait

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Continuation of previous chapter
I waited with Jungkook at the entrance till Yoongi came with the car. I got inside the car , and we waved Jungkook bye .
Yoongi started driving and I didn't know what to do next but then the box muffins at the car desk caught my attention. I picked up the box , and ,without my knowledge ,started staring and smiling at it. Yoongi noticed it and commented ,while concentrating on driving,"So do you like the muffins more or the person who gifted you those ?"
I looked at him,"Of course the muffins more." and shrugged my shoulders and flipped my hair which was half opened by then. Yoongi smiled and said,"But I like the receiver of the gift more than muffins." I replied," Aren't you a bit more sweet today ? I guess you are taking your lessons from Mr Hoseok too seriously." Yoongi replied,"Am I ? But I thought as my name was Suga I ought to be sweet." and laughed.
I said,"Oh stop it. I love normal Suga more ."
Yoongi stopped the car,"Love? What? Hmm love , I see ."
I replied,"No I meant like."  He said,"But you said love, coughing architect loves me." I replied,"No I meant like, by mistake I said love . I admit I admire you , I like you but love not sure. Now can you please start the car?"
He said,"But we reached your building ma'am . Where more you want to go ? Hmm , my dorm ?"
I replied ,"oops sorry I didn't realize we reached. Sorry to destroy your wishes ,sir, I'm happy with my apartment. By the way ....um ....can you please help me to reach my apartment, if you don't mind?"
Yoongi smiled and said,"No problem."
Then I got outside the car with the muffin box in my hand,and waited for him to come from parking lot.
Then he helped me to reach my apartment, plastered leg is a big problem.
He then made me sit on the sofa in drawing room and said,"Now I may take your leave, good night ".
I felt something I don't know what but I felt like stopping him.
He was about to leave ,but then I suddenly said," Umm Yoongi can you wait till Amanda and Emily come?"
Yoongi turned back and replied,"Are you sure you don't have problem with me staying with you until they return?" I replied,"Um no problem ,actually I'm now scared of living alone after so many days of living with people. Just let the door be open,so that they don't think I'm asleep or......"
He smiled and said,"I know why you want the door be open,don't worry."
He then sat on a chair beside the chair. I opened the shoe from my one leg as it was weird to be in shoes inside the room. Yoongi noticed it and laughed out loud. He commented,"So until now you were wearing shoe in one foot only. Cool,swag huh?"
I smiled at him and replied,"Nothing swag and all. It's just that plaster comes with a hell lot of problems. By the way do you like to have coffee or something, because I'll be making for me ?"
He looked at the kitchen,which was besides the drawing room and then looked at me,"I'll make it then . Don't worry I'm not a messy cook. It'll be ready in 5minutes."
I replied,"Are you sure? By the coffee is on the top right self." Yoongi replied,"Aww coughing architect wants to drink coffee made by Min Suga."
I looked at him and replies,"Nothing like that I'm just too tired to make my coffee after my date offered me to make coffee for me ." and smirked .
While making coffee he talked about different things,.....and the whole time I looked how adorable he looked while making coffee even in suit......
I was totally into him when suddenly he popped,"Oh you guys came back? Will you guys have coffee?"
I came back to my senses and looked at the door, Emily and Amanda came back . Emily replied,"Of course, who wouldn't like to have coffee made by Mr Min Yoongi?" Amanda hit Emily and said ,"Don't worry, she's kidding. Emily why you always spoil their moment, by the way your dance was awesome."
By then he finished making coffee , he made coffee for both of us because he was coming back with two cups.
He sat on the chair and said," Thank you, at first she was reluctant to dance but then I requested her. "
He started sipping his coffee and commented,"Its not that bad have it."
I nodded in approval and sipped.
Amanda commented ,"Why are you not sitting beside her ,there's much space on the sofa?"
Yoongi replied," Ah don't worry I'm fine on the chair."
After few minutes of chatting , we finally finished coffee.
He then got up and said,"I may now take your leave otherwise 6of them will worry. Bye. Good night. Y/n  Thank you for the beautiful time we spent." and smiled at me.
Amanda and Emily said,"Bye ,good night. You can visit us whenever you want "and laughed.
Then everyone looked at me , I was feeling shy to say him good bye in front of Amanda and Emily.
But somehow, I looked down at the empty coffee cup and said," Good bye.Good night."
Emily commented ,"Aww look at him and say good bye."
Yoongi replied,"Its ok your friend is feeling shy." and went out .
Then Amanda closed the door.
The rest of the night we talked about the date .
But that night in between the conversation, I texted Yoongi," Were you angry because I said goodbye while looking down ?" He texted back ,"Not at all instead I found it cute , cute shy coughing architect . So when we will meet again."
I replied,"Let's see."
So what do you think when will they meet again ?

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