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After that day (yes first kiss day) , we stayed in contact through phone calls and texts , now our talks were more mature type,"couple type" though he had not properly proposed me .

The only thing that didn't happen was  another date because we two got busy with our respective job .

Or maybe I was avoiding it as I needed more time to digest the fact that our first kiss just happened, maybe I needed more time to accept the fact that really Min Yoongi kissed me , and I was not dreaming.

Yes he asked sometimes between our texts if I can hangout, but I gave the silly excuse of work.
Maybe after several texts he realized I needed time for next date so slowly he also refrained from asking for date .

Then one day .......
That day.....

I woke up as usual, that day I had an unofficial holiday . I decided that as it was a day off I should to go to a nearby grocery store and buy that month's all necessities.
My roommates were too lazy to go with me .

So I just wore a casual loose fitting trousers, a hoodie and tied my hair into a messy bun . I applied light make up.
Then I went to the drawing room to wear shoes , when I opened the shoe rack, the red converse caught my attention and all the flashbacks of that day appeared in front of my eyes.

Then I was snipped from my day dream when Emily from my back said,"Will you wear those ? Or will you just smile for the rest of the day looking at them ?" and laughed .
Wait was I smiling, I didn't realize that .
Soon I took it out and wore those.
I took my phone and purse and went out.
The grocery store was near to my building, so I decided to walk .
While walking,I checked my phone and saw Yoongi's "Good morning " text.
I replied him ,"Good morning"
He texted back,"Have a good day."
I replied,"you too have a good day. "

Soon I reached the grocery store.
I waited for Yoongi's text but it didn't came,
Well maybe he's busy, I thought

So I put my phone in my sweat shirt's pocket and started shopping.
I was almost done putting the necessary things in my shopping basket when my phone beeped .
I took out my phone and saw,it was Yoongi's message in the notification bar .

I opened the message and saw......he sent me, my photo of shopping in the grocery store ,with the caption- "Surprise Surprise"

For a moment I was startled as to what happened.
Then I looked at the photo carefully, it was taken from outside the store, through the big glass window of the store.

I replied to him,"Stalking or what ?"
Then I proceeded to the counter to pay the bill.
He texted,"let's go on a date now."
I replied,"Now? No I've much important things to do."
He replied,"So you are telling you will not go on a date ."
I replied,"Yes"
He tested back ,"Ok wait."
He then called me over phone .
I picked up his call.
He said,"Come outside. The connection is not so strong inside the store."
I replied,"Ok wait."
I went out with the bags in hand , and I saw a huge crowd of teenage girls on the other side of road.
I almost forgot he was over the phone call.
Suddenly he popped up,"Got out?"
I replied,"Yes, know there's a crowd of girls on the other side."
I was so inquisitive, that I crossed the road to see what was happening.
He replied,"Do you know why they gathered there?"
I replied,"No I was going to check ." and started to going towards the crowd.
I saw someone was standing in front of a car ,and everyone was standing circling him . I couldn't see his face .
Suddenly Yoongi replied,"Seen the reason?"
I replied,"No just understood someone is standing and people are standing around him and screaming."
He replied,"Ask them."
I was so curious, before listening to his reply, I asked a girl who was standing beside me ,"What's the matter?"
She smiled and replied," Yoongi oppa"
I was shocked.
Suddenly Yoongi again popped up,"Heard I guess, now the deal."
I replied,"What deal?Why you are here?"
He replied,"'s the deal. If you don't say yes for a date with me today, I'll just approach you for date in front of so many fangirls and you don't know what'll happen next.....if the fangirls suddenly get the news of our relationship."
I replied,"But...."
He replied,"Wait I'm coming towards you then ."
I was scared to be honest.
I replied,"No no wait."
He replied,"Yes or no?"
I replied,"Ummm....Yes.....but only for 30minutes"
He replied ,"That's like my girl. Now go the backside of the grocery store , I mean at their parking lot."
I replied,"Ok "
He replied,"Wait there ,I'll reach in 5minutes."and cut the phone call.
What'll happen next ?

Being with Suga [BTS Yoongi/SUGA Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now