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From that day he used to drop me and pick me up from office.

Everyone in my office who saw me with him used to tease me. Some even used to asked him for autograph whenever he got out from the car. I used to smile at his situation, and whenever I noticed that he was busy with autographs and selcas,quietly I used to leave his hand and go inside the office. From the entrance I used to see him in distress when he realized I was not beside him , then he used to call me and say,"I'll coming to pick you up,promise me you'll stay."

Then one day he didn't came to pick me up.
I checked my phone if he had left any message or not,but no there was none. It was most probably Thursday,if I'm not wrong.
On Friday morning I tried calling him but no one picked up,my heart dropped. I waited but he didn't came to pick me up from home ,at evening also he didn't came.

I was confused, for one moment I used to ask myself questions like,
Is he avoiding me?

Then moments later I used to console my heart saying,"Maybe he's busy"

But my brain used to break my consolation to heart by pointing to the fact,"but why isn't he calling?"

That night I didn't sleep well, my thoughts always used to go back to him.


On Saturday I searched his sns but no there was no update for last five days.
Now another worry was hitting me, "Is he okay or something?"


On Sunday, Emily and Amanda asked me to go to club with them to get out from my miserable situation.
But I refused, and for the whole day I thought whether to go to his dorm or not .
Finally I decided to give another day a chance.


On Monday, also there was no sign of him in the morning.
I was pretty much sure in evening also he'll not come .
As thought he didn't come but instead I decided to go to his dorm.

I asked Taiyoon to drop me there.
I entered the building, all I could see was flashbacks ,memories with him.

Do I really love him that much ?

When I entered the elevator,I remembered how the previous time I wished that we were not alone in the lift but now I want to be with him even if alone.

Why is this happening?

Then finally 10th floor came.
I went to the apartment door  And rang the bell.

Soyoon opened the door,she was about to greet me when an unfamiliar voice ,from inside the house, said her something in Korean .

Soyoon said,"Come inside" and turned back and replied to the man ,"Miss y/n " .

I opened my shoes and went inside, then the man came , smiled and said,"Oh you come, come, Min Yoongi is in the drawing room."
He was their manager.

I saw Yoongi was on the sofa sitting with a laptop on his lap and a bunch of papers was kept on either side of him on the sofa.

When I saw him , I felt something choking my throat .
His manager said,"Yoongi see who came."

I cleared my throat and said,
Mr Min Yoongi are you avoiding me?
If yes,then properly tell me,I won't disturb you ?
If not then whatsapp the problem you can tell me I will understand.
You know what thoughts are haunting me these days after  you didn't contact me .
Are you okay?

As my questions increased my voice became more teary
And finally with the last I broke down in front of him.

Finally I said ,
Please give an answer,don't do this to me .
And broke down

After that there was a drop dead silence .
He put his laptop on the side and came running to me to held my broken self .
He hugged me tightly and kissed on my forehead and said,"No why will I avoid my coughing architect ,I love her."
I looked up with tears still rolling down, and said with my teary voice,"Then what?"

He grabbed my hand and said,"Sit ,let me explain."
Then he went and cleared the papers that was on the sofa and patted on the sofa gesturing me to sit there .
I went and sat in side facing way.

He sat beside me facing my face.

He wiped away my tears with his fingers, carecased me and said,
"I wanted to contact you but couldn't, our phones are not with us even . We are changing our numbers ."

I looked at him with wondering eyes and said,"But why?"

He smiled and said," You know you face turns red when you cry but you look cute."
I hit him gently and said," You made me cry "
He replied,"Awww, I'm sorry .I'll soon make up for that after this is over."
I replied," What ? What is happening?"
He said," We are changing our numbers and even our dorm because of the recent saesang activity."

Then suddenly we were interrupted by Jin,who was kind enough to bring me a glass of water.
Jin said," Don't worry he's not avoiding him, if he does ever I'll hit him hard . Actually saesang activities increased recently,they even got our numbers and even been spamming us with numerous messages. They are also sending mails in this address,so for safety purpose we are staying inside and working from here."

I smiled and replied,"Oh that's all ."

Yoongi pinched my cheeks and replied ,"Yes that's all, anyway yesterday only I was thinking of sending you mail ."

I replied," Why didn't you ? But how will you contact me for the next few days ?"

He thought for few minutes,then replied,"Let's write letters to each other on alternate days for the next two weeks, Soyoon noona will pass the letters."

Soyoon came and said,"Yes I can do that . Promise I won't read them." and laughed.

Yoongi held my both shoulders and said,"Don't worry it's just for two weeks."
I nodded and replied,"Yes . But now I may go it's getting late."
Soyoon replied,"Wait I'll drop you."

I replied,"Aww thank you , you are so sweet."

Yoongi said,"But you could also stay." and smirked.

I replied,"Maybe some other day." and smiled.

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