Surprise surprise

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From then we started to stay in contact. He used to visit me almost every evening with muffins, while returning from work and we used to talk about different things over a cup of homemade coffee. Emily and Amanda didn't use to disturb us during that time, smirks. It was more like home dates .
And the day when my plaster was to be cut arrived.
No I didn't tell Suga, I wanted to give this surprise at evening .

That day

I woke up early. Actually , I was so much excited that I barely slept.
I saw at the two beds beside me ,Emily and Amanda was still deep asleep .
I smiled at how those two mischievous teammates looked so innocent while sleeping, actually I was also kind of thankful to them because they also helped a little in building up the thing that is between me and SUGA.
I checked my phone, it was still 7:00a.m , and our appointment was at 9:00a.m . I thought to make myself a cup of tea for a change.
So I put the water to boil and as it was so quite and lonely I thought to go the balcony to view the scenes of morning. I went to the balcony, I looked at sky ,it was all sunny and bright and happy.
Then I went back to my room to wake my two teammates up and asked them if they want tea or coffee . Emily asked for coffee while Amanda for tea.
I went back to the kitchen , took down the boiled water and put the milk to boil . I took two cups, poured the water and dropped one teabag in each. Then I served Amanda her cup and took mine and said Emily that the milk was kept on boil.
I finished my not so bed tea. Then I took my toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing, at the basin. Then I  thought to see the outside scenarios while brushing because it was boring ,or maybe I wanted to calm my excited self . I went to the balcony while brushing,I know I'm weird, stood there and looked at the sky , and saw some clouds approaching. Then I looked down to see what people generally do in morning. I was watching small children in school uniforms hurrying to school with bags on their shoulders, eyes fell on someone........I realized it was ........Suga.
Wait what how
I saw he was smiling , ahhh his gummy smile ,at my situation, I almost choked my self with the toothpaste foam in my mouth.
I rushed to my room,yes rushed,rushed with plastered leg. I picked up my phone and while picking up my phone which was kept on the dressing table, I noticed myself in the mirror......pajamas,toothbrush with foam in mouth and let's not talk about the hair it was pretty much a mess......okay so my date noticed me like that.
I was going to call him but then I realized there's foam in my mouth , how I could talk with that. Suddenly my phone beeped, it was a text from Suga.
He texted," Awwww Coughing Architect looks so cute with toothbrush in mouth."
I knew he was teasing me . I quickly went to the basin to clean my mouth . Then I called him , he picked up,"Hello coughing architect " and I could hear was chuckling.
I said,"Were you stalking me? From when you are here?"
He replied,"Ask your teammates they invited me to go with them along with you to hospital . Yes.... they asked me to come by 8:30 but I thought it wouldn't be a big problem if I come a little early, I'm standing here from the time you came without a brush . Shall I come up ?"
I replied," What,wait no...! I mean yes....but I'm in this state without makeup and with witch like hair ." and laughed .
If he wouldn't have come I would have definitely not applied makeup but as now my date came to accompany me I have to apply makeup to look decent.
He replied,"Ah no problem, so I'm coming up."
I returned to my room and saw Amanda already dressed up and Emily was still sipping coffee. Both looked at me and smirked . I said,"I know the reason behind this smile , he saw me in this state, he was standing on the other side of footpath from where our balcony is totally visible."
After listening to this both burst into laughter and started cracking jokes on how he must have thought,or how he might be questioning his life choices .
Emily commented ,"Amanda, seems like he is more excited than y/n for her plaster to be cut."
Amanda smirked and said,"I can guess why."
I hit both of them and asked them if they could leave the room so that I could bathe in the bathroom attached to it and then quickly dress up.
Just then the bell rang .
Then both of them rushed as they knew it was Suga.
I closed the door of my room and went to do my important things in life - bathing and dressing up.
I could hear chuckles and laughter, I wondered what they talked about with so much fun ,possessive self awakening.
What will happen next ?......
P.s pray for author that she gets a seat in architecture stream xD

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