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As I and my teammate was advancing towards CEO's office.....we heard someone from back ,saying," Ma'am I guess you forgot to ask about my requirements." And by the voice only I could make out who he was.....he was Mr Min Yoongi. We turned back and I don't know,but some rebellious witch got inside me , and I replied," Sir,the appointment has already ended,and you were late,sorry. Maybe some other day." He replied,"Actually I got stuck into some really important work. Can the other day be tomorrow." I replied,"Sorry,Sir I don't think it will be possible,yes,if my teammate is free she can take. Our company will not arrange special meetings I guess." I don't know,maybe I was frustrated at him at that time. My teammate also said that she would be busy next day. Then , Yoongi said ,"Ok maybe some other day ." ,and went to other direction.
Minutes after ,I realized maybe it was very rude for me to talk like that , I should have apologized.
We then headed to CEO's office and told him that we will present the outline within 14days and thanked him for cooperation.
After that ,we headed to office and spent rest of the day doing research on designs.
At evening I reached my pretty little lonely apartment.
After quite a few time , at 8 or so I got a message from my colleague saying , "Bts jhope and Jungkook wants to make some changes in requirements, urgent, contact them ......(number)....I could have handled it but tomorrow I really have some important work, maybe you have to do another appointment tomorrow."
Seeing the message I got frustrated, first I rudely rejected Yoongi for another appointment and now I have to call Jhope and Jungkook for setting up the appointment tomorrow.
I took few minutes to calm myself and finally dialed the number given.......
Someone picked up, "Yes, Jungkook here." I replied,"Hello,I am y/n from (any company name  you like)  ,who took your interview today about your requirements from new building. I came to know you and Mr Hoseok wanted to change some requirements urgently,may I know which requirements so we can change it over phone only?"
He replied," Oh yes yes. We wanted to urgently change some requirements which can't be told over phone, we have asked our managers and they said we are free from 10-11:30 a.m tomorrow. Can you please fix an appointment around that time?"
I replied,"Umm...actually I had some important work to do tomorrow. But as you are emphasizing on the fact it's urgent, I can . Will it be any problem if I do the interview from 10-10:30."
Jungkook replied,"Oh yes not at all a problem,done.I'll inform Hobi hyung too"
I replied,"Ok. the way as we are setting up an appointment tomorrow,and Mr Min Yoongi missed it today can you inform him ,actually he asked for an appointment but I rudely rejected him."
To this Jungkook quickly replied,"Wait wait he's here,I'm handing him the phone."
And.....he handed SUGA the phone.
Upon realization that now the phone was with him I said,"Sorry,for the rude behavior,actually I have been under lot of stress recently and I wanted the interview to be finished within one day ." He simply replied,"Its ok. " But I continued,"Actually as Mr Jeon Jungkook and Mr Hoseok told some urgent requirements were to be changed so we fixed an appointment tomorrow. I'll be grateful if you also come and I'm sorry."
To this he replied,"Its ok . I understood. I'll come."
I felt guilty and embarrassed.
Then Jungkook took over,"Ok. Thanks for cooperation and help. See you tomorrow." And ended the phone call.
Cooperation and help?! what cooperation? Which help?
I'm guilty after writing this chapter xD I have been under too much mood swings lately

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