Letter2 (letter?)

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On Thursday, I decided to maintain a notebook to scribble down my thoughts to letter assemble them into a letter.

(Bold= I wrote , Italics = I thought)

While going to the office, I noticed the coffee store where we first had coffee, all my memories floated in front of my eyes.
I quickly took out the notepad, and started writing.

Dear Min Yoongi,
I hope you are fine . I hope your days are now more easily passing than before.

Um I guess the greetings looks good, let's continue, anyway this is rough I'll make a good one later at night, because I've to hand Soyoon the letter before going to office.

You know today I spotted the coffee shop where we first had coffee from the bus while going to office. All our memories floated in front of my eyes, I felt what you described in your previous letter. Now I realized how my much I miss your presence beside me.

This looks fine , let's continue this letter again in lunch time .


Lunch time


Emily treated us as she felt it would uplift my mood .
But because of her I forgot to write the rest of my letter.

Argh Emily did it again , deviated me from my path. Anyway she's a kind soul I love her .

After coming back , I took a shower, changed clothes, put rice on boil and took a chair and sat at the balcony with my notebook.

I looked out from the balcony, all I could see was people returning home with their partners .
Umm I realized how lonely I am.

Lets continue writing.

Oops I forgot to thank him for earrings , anyway I'll put the coming section in the fair letter .

Thank you for the earings, I really loved it. They were so cute, I now love them more than muffins.
No I was kidding, I'm still waiting for muffins from you.
But to be honest I was really impressed by your long letter with
"I love you X 100" more than the original one.
I just want to see you now .
You can't get my thoughts, nowadays whenever I look around I see couples and I get reminded of my miserable situation .

Ummm....the last lines doesn't look good, let's cut them.

But when I was going to cut the rice cooker beeped. I took the notepad to my room and kept on my table to continue it later.


After we had dinner, I sat in front of table to finish of the rough and then assemble it by next morning.

Just then Amanda came and stand behind me.
I looked back .
Amanda said," Dear ,won't you sleep it's late already," and pointed at Emily who was in deep sleep and continued," you can complete it tomorrow morning."

I replied," No just a little work left , I'll finish and sleep. Don't wait for me ,I'll be fine. You sleep." and smiled .

Amanda replied," Are you sure? Would I make some coffee for you ?"

I replied," No no I'm fine , good night."
She replied," Ok then I'm going. Good night."

Now , what to write,.....argh why I'm so blank while writing letters.

I looked outside the window for inspiration, I saw nothing but lights and silence.

Ahhh silence.

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