Recovery pt2

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The next day.
In the morning around, 10 or so the nurse came and changed the bandage and said I was going to be discharged by noon.
At 12p.m, two of my teammates and Yoongi and Jungkook arrived. My teammates informed that they will be staying with me in my apartment, as ordered by my boss,for the purpose of taking care of me .
No it didn't mean that we were on day off ,my boss told to stay with me until my plaster was cut and make designs at home only.
Ah sometimes boss is too much I guess work was the main reason for which I came to Seoul.
Then , my teammates went to clear the bills and all , and I got some alone time with Yoongi, ah yes Jungkook was there but he was busy playing mobile games so....
Suga softly said," Are you okay now ? I thought of buying some muffins for you along with these flowers but because of Jungkook we were late so couldn't." and slightly hit Jungkook who was engrossed in his mobile game. He then presented me the flowers.
Still I'm confused whether the flowers should be tagged as get well soon flowers or dating flowers.
Jungkook replied ," Ah, sorry ma'am actually I woke up late ." and laughed.
I said , "Ah it's okay, maybe your Hyung saved the muffins for the day when we officially hangout." and smiled at Yoongi.
He understood I was teasing him.
After after minutes or so, my teammates and the nurse came .
One of my teammates and the nurse helped me to sit in the wheelchair, I felt awkward sitting in a wheelchair,wheelchair is so awkward. Then Jungkook told ," Hyung I am taking out the car from parking lot you all wait in front of the entrance." and covered his face with his mask.
I said ,in a trembling voice,"" and looked at Yoongi. He then bowed and sat in a kneeling position in front of the wheelchair , held my hands and said,"Don't worry nothing will happen."
I noticed my teammates looked at each as what was happening all of a sudden maybe they guessed too but due to professionalism they couldn't ask me.
I nodded in approval but still I was scared.
He then covered his mouth with his mask and walked alongside the wheelchair which was being pushed by the nurse.
Soon we reached the entrance gate and saw Jungkook was already waiting inside the car,he will be driving.
Then Yoongi said to my teammates ,"Can one of you sit in the front seat and other at the back ,it will be easy as we have to help her out when we reach the apartment and support her while walking?"
They agreed .
Then Yoongi helped me to get inside of the car and sat beside me.
Omg he had never been this close.
Then Jungkook asked my address to which Yoongi replied,"I know I'm guiding."
Everyone looked in shock at him.
Then to avoid the awkward situation he cleverly asked ,"May I know your names ma'am ." Smart!
The teammate sitting in the front seat replied ," Amanda," and the one in back replied, "Emily,".
He said,"Nice to meet you." and smiled. They also smiled.
After 15mins or so we reached our building.
Then Suga and Amanda helped me get out the car and Emily stood beside. I saw Jungkook was still in the car and I turned and asked,"Won't you come ?" He replied with a smile,"No ma'am some other day if there had been no problem with parking and all I would have surely come. But I promise I'll soon visit your apartment with Suga hyung."
I said,"I'll wait and don't call me ma'am call me y/n "
Then after 6mins of struggle we finally reached my apartment,I gave Emily the keys and she opened the door.
Then I directed them where was the bedroom. Then on reaching they helped me to sit on my bed . Argh the plaster is so problematic .
Then Yoongi said," Take care of yourself, I'll call you when I'll be free. Next time I'll surely bring those muffins. Now I may take your leave ." and smiled.
Then he turned to my teammates and said ,"Bye ,if she needs something call me,she has my number ."
Then he left .
After leaving my teammates were also surprised as what was happening, they were also transfer employee like me so we were not that close so they couldn't ask.
We three decided,actually they two ,that Amanda will do the cooking part and Emily cutting part and during day we had to plan out the outlines .
After 30 mins of gossiping during making dinner we knew a bit more about each other ,it is always nice to meet new people and be friends with.
What will happen next ? xD

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