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The next day......
It had become a daily ritual for me to call him every morning before going to office.

I called him after I finished my breakfast, because after breakfast I used to take a small break and then go to bath.

He picked up and said,"Hey,morning."
I replied,"Good morning, actually I wanted to ask you if you could come over at evening."
He replied,"Why? Ahem"
I replied,"To return my precious clothes of course."
He replied,"Oh ! But actually today evening I've a little work to do so maybe it'll not possible for me to come."
I let a sigh .
I replied,"Oh its ok " ,as I worked towards my bathroom to open the tap to fill the bucket.
He replied,"Don't worry, "
He said something after that but as I was not paying attention I couldn't hear that.
While I was holding the phone with one hand,I tried to open the tap with other one .
I tried hard but couldn't, then suddenly the top of tap came out, out of reflex I uttered,"Damn !"
Then I realized I was still on the phone.
Suga replied from other end,"What happened?"
I replied,"No not you ."
He replied,"I understood but what happened though."
I replied,"Nothing it's just I'm in trouble, and I've to hurry for office talk to you later. Bye."
He replied,"ok . " and I ended the phone call.

Now it was clear I had to use the other small bathroom that was beside drawing room, that meant I had to walk in bathrobe from my room to the drawing room then to bathroom and the water that'll fall on the floor will have to wiped by me only because my teammates are hopeless.

I took my bathrobe in hand and went to the drawing room.
I saw Emily and Amanda sitting on the sofa and doing the sketches of the new project. I informed them about the situation of the bathroom in our room.
Amanda took the responsibility to call the plumber.

After that I went to the bathroom.

After sometime

I wrapped the bathrobe around my wet body and tied the belt.
I took the towel in hand while water still dripped from my wet hair.
I opened the door and while I busy drying my hair with the towel I proceeded to walk towards my room.

I was in the middle of my walk when I thought to flip my hair and place it on the other shoulder.
While flipping I .....I.....noticed something
I looked at my left , I saw.....Amanda and.........Suga sitting on the sofa.


The towel fell from my hand on the ground.
When I looked at the towel that fell on my feet, I saw my bare legs and realized I was still in bathrobe.

Damn!! Again damn!!

I was confused in which direction to go. I quickly turned around and ran to go the bathroom,but then again decided to go to the room only.
I turned again ,
Believe me my mind was not working at that time
and hurried to my room.
I was hurrying towards my room while still looking at Yoongi who was seeing my miserable situation and smiling .
I pushed the door and in one go I attempted to enter .
But it was locked from inside and by mistake I hurt my forehead ,

Yes, as I was focusing on Yoongi I didn't notice the door was locked and attempted to push myself inside and hit my forehead on the door.

Instead of escaping from situation ,I got caught in the situation .

Damn Emily,I'll kill you for this, she was inside the room.

I badly hit myself, I let out a cry of pain ,"Ouch"

Yoongi and Amanda rushed towards my direction.
I sat down in front of the door,while rubbing my hand over the hurt area.

Yoongi kneeled in front of me , grabbed my hand and said,"Hajima, stop ,rubbing will increase the bump."
He then directed Amanda to bring ice cubes first then some ointment.

Being with Suga [BTS Yoongi/SUGA Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now