Something Unexpected

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I woke up the next day knowing once again I've to control my fangirl inside me and the stirred feelings which were popping up when I was in front of Suga.
I reached the Bighit building at 10a.m sharp , I still doubted whether at all the requirement changes were that urgent . Anyway, this time fortunately I was the given the conference room for meeting, but the conference room was a little big for this meeting. The staff ,who accompanied me to the room ,opened the door and I realized only.....Yoongi was sitting there.
Yes, I knew something was fishy but they'll do this, I didn't expect that . Now I've to sit and interview Yoongi in this big room, much scary.
I calmed myself, and took out the notebook in which questions were written and sat down . I was so nervous that I forgot to greet him, dumb me,  I stood up again and, greeted him good morning bowed and sat down again . I softly asked him, "I guess Mr Hoseok and Mr Jungkook are late. May I start with your interview first?"
He replied ,"Yes,no problem."
Just three damn words!!!why he speaks so less or is he angry for my previous day's action?
I started with the questions and he answered those within 2-3words. Argh....why he's so cold today
Soon after 15-20mins later finally the duo of Jhope and Jungkook arrived,I relieved a bit,at least I was not alone with Yoongi now.
I quickly moved onto them because I was running out of time . Actually I had to catch a bus at 11a.m to go for sight seeing and also for gathering inspiration.
And after getting their statements on requirements changes,I realized how petty changes they were but as they were our company's customers I couldn't show my anger or frustration .
But wait I was not at all angry rather I felt a little tingling feeling during my interview with Yoongi though we were talking formally.
I was checking my watch now and then , Jhope noticed it and said ,"Ma'am finally we are done with requirements changes, am I right Jungkook?" and smiled. Jungkook too smiled at him and replied,"Yes Hyung we are done with our important urgent work."
These two.....again there's something fishy.
I asked Suga,"Mr Yoongi are you done with your requirements ? If you want to change anything you can always call me and I am really sorry for yesterday. I shall leave now, I have bus at 11 .I've to reach quickly to the nearest bus stand . Thank you for the interview."
Suddenly,I saw Yoongi smiled.
Then out of my surprise he spoke too.
He said,"Ma'am,may we drop you to the bus stand if you don't mind? Actually we would be going back to our dorm and the bus stand is on our way."
I was going to reject the offer when suddenly, Jhope said,"Ma'am please don't reject. We are sorry we caused you trouble today if you accept this little help we would be grateful."
I was  shocked on  why I was suddenly showered with so much cooperation .
Anyway, I accepted the offer as I was late , job is always first to be honest .
Then we went to the parking lot and I was confused where to sit, I wanted them to offer ,truely speaking.
Then I saw Jhope and Jungkook seating at the back seat of the four seater car.
Oh that means Yoongi will drive and I will sit beside him,  I wondered.
I was still standing outside of the car , then Yoongi got in and asked , "Ma'am you may sit beside in the front seat."
I quickly got in , maybe I didn't want to miss the chance of sitting beside Yoongi.
To my surprise he helped me tie the seat belt ,
omg he is close, omg his cologne, I said to myself.
Then again my professional and formal self hit me and I said to myself, he's is just helping comeback to your senses y/n.
Deep inside I also knew I was still his obsessed fangirl.
He then started driving and said,"Ma'am you'll be there in 5mins," and smiled.
I looked at him and smiled as a sign of trust. Then suddenly Jhope said," Ma'am you know this is Hyung's personal car and he's good at driving."
I looked at him and said," Oh !"
Then Jungkook popped up ," Ma'am so where are you going by bus? "
I replied,"Outskirts of Seoul ,actually I heard there are many single office type buildings,so I'm going there to get my inspiration."
Suga said ,"Oh! We are here, see the bus stand is right there on the opposite side of the road. If we drop you here,you can cross the road I guess."
I replied "Yes," and got down but I knew how much problem I had while crossing roads , I was scared of moving cars.
I didn't want them to watch me wait for 10min to cross a simple road ,so I said ,"You may go I can manage. Thank you for the help." and started walking away from the car so that they can't see me .
I was waiting for like 5mins ,then I felt someone grabbed my hand and swiftly made me walk (cross) to the other side of the road.
I realized it was Yoongi. After crossing he smiled and said," If I wasn't here, you would have taken 2days to cross." I was embarrassed and scratched my back side of head and smiled.
Then I stood there for bus,while he advanced to cross the road.
While he was crossing the road, I realized a car speeding towards him. I pushed him to save him but hurt myself.
The next thing I remember ,I was laying in Yoongi's arm and I said "This time you didn't get hurt." before becoming unconscious.
Don't worry I won't die xD

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