Why Every time

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For the next few days we used to talk for long hours at night......

No I didn't mention my leaving of clothes on his bed,I was a little embarrassed to ask him about it.

Yes ,on weekends we used to go out on dates at Bighit office, because he was more comfortable there.

Then one day suddenly.........

The day

In office....
We were informed that our next project was on a historical architecture type building.
Our boss asked to do our research on historical architecture of Korea and come next day.

I ,Emily and Amanda decided to go nearest library to do more research as books are always more helpful than Internet.
But the question was ......who will help us as we didn't have library card.....

Emily suggested me to call Yoongi.
But I cleared told that I'll not.

Then one Korean teammate who was friendly offered her library card.
Her name was Taiyoon .
She was helpful enough to drive us to the Library.


As soon as we reached the library.
I realized the library was just two buildings away from Yoongi's apartment.

Damn !!!!!!.
The last thing I want is to meet Yoongi at a library.
I don't trust him though I believe he'll not do anything but still.....

The library was a large one, and there were not many people at time of the day or maybe the library was large so it was an optical illusion.

I was searching for Korean history books in English,when in front of English bookshelf ,I saw a familiar figure.
When I looked down at his shoes I was sure who it was ,I didn't need the face to recognize.
My inner fangirl was still alive....

The shoes the boy wearing was.....Timberlands.
Damn! It was Jungkook.

He was wearing a yellow sweatshirt with hoodie and black skinny jeans .

Seeing him ,I silently tried to avoid him and took the other passage through the book racks.

Ummm....Korean History....Korean History......Ah there .......

But that was not end of my unfortunate happening.
The Korean History Books in English was kept in top shelves ....Why ....oh maybe very few people looks for it,ah I understand.

Wait where are my three teammates......

I went on a search for them in that large library. For a minute I thought I was lost , I got scared.
But finally I found them at....... English romantic books section.
Wow, this was their research, much surprised.

Emily saw me standing. She quickly closed the book that was in her hand and said,"Umm you found the book . We were going only its just that Tai wanted to borrow some English romantic books,so I was suggesting her which was to go for."

But Tai who was standing behind her gestured her index finger in disapproval.

Amanda commented,"You go we are coming don't worry."
I understood they are not going to , I've to find the books on Korean Architecture by myself.
I quickly hurried to the section again but this time I didn't see Jungkook at English book section,so I took the straight path.

As soon as I reached the book section I realized that I forgot to tell my teammates about the problem- The book was at top shelves.

I looked right and left ,and saw there was only two persons ,one was an old man and other a school girl.
I became hopeless.

I tried to jump and reach the book but....that was a lame try.
Damn ! Why I forgot to wear heels ....well I can't wear them nurse told not to.
I realized I can't jump much as my leg was broken a few days ago and I can't put much pressure on it.

I opened my pump shoes which I was wearing, and put them at side.
I tried to stand on my toes and stretched my hand as much as I could to reach it .
Just a little bit more just a little....I said to myself for motivation as I also knew that was not working.

Then......suddenly....I felt someone holding my waist and lifting me up from back.

I thought for a moment
Jungkook....huh ?

Whatever, I grabbed the book and the person lifted me down .
I held the book in between my arms like a baby and turned back .

It was......Min Yoongi....
Wait what how
Why everytime
Has he fitted a geographical tracking machine in my body or what .

I looked at him with widened eyes ,wore my shoes and started firing questions at him like-
Why every time?
How do you get the information where I am?
Have you fit an geographical tracking machine on my mobile ?
Are you a professional stalker or detective?

Suddenly he put his one hand on my lips and said,"Ssssshhhh Hajima" in a husky voice.

To be honest I almost choked at that voice.

He continued,"Jungkook spotted you first and messaged me, so I thought to pay you a visit, I was not sure whether you were still here or not. But then I saw your friends and I was sure you were still here."

I gestured with my eyes to remove his hand from my mouth.

He chuckled and removed it and said,"Here you go little bird."

I said ,"Alright, thank you , now I've to go . Bye."
Then he suddenly gently pushed me to the bookshelf and put his left hand on the bookshelf for support .

Is he going to kiss....no.....please no.....not now

He lowered his head to come to come to my level , held my chin up.

I couldn't do anything as I was holding the book with my both hands as it was heavy.

Then as he came close to my lips.....I was confused....I suddenly lifted the book up in front of my face.

He noticed it and started laughing and said,"Such a little bird."

I was also embarrassed.
My face turned red.

He touched my nose tip with his index finger and said,"Next time ." and smirked.
I also smiled and said,"Yes maybe next time."
I said,"I really have to go now,Bye."
He said,"Ah...Bye , I'll be waiting."
I was walking away when I thought to ask him about the clothes I left.

I stopped and turned back and again went back to him.

He smirked and said,"Oh I didn't expect the next time to be this soon."

I smiled and said,"No , drive your thoughts away. I just wanted to ask......ummm....how to frame it....."

Then he suddenly popped up ,"About your clothes that you left huh?"
I nodded in approval .

He replied,"Ah don't worry I've kept it in safe place, now I don't have those but I promise the next day I go near your apartment I'll return those."

I smiled and said,"Ah ok . Ok bye ,I'm getting late."
He replied,"Bye take care."

Will he return the clothes though ? xD
Do comment how you felt about the chapter please ,I love your comments

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