Coffee Date with Holy ft Suga

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So after cutting the phone call I realized,..... I now don't even know how I look in this darkness. But then I realized getting out from this darkness was more important than looking good. So after much struggle I found my mirror, switched on my mobile's flashlight, took all my hair into a bun , wore a jeans because the t-shirt I was wearing was decent one and made my way to the exit door.
The next thing I did was to quickly make my way down the stairs without tripping and then run towards the park . So after much panting and swiftness I reached the park.
I was little embarrassed that Yoongi was already waiting there with Holy in hand.
I reached there and bowed and said sorry. He just smiled. I guessed he didn't talk much , and was sympathetic towards my situation,towards me being lonely here with Holy as the only friend here. He then handed me the little Holy , he was so fluffy,I was glad he was awake at this time of evening. It was bit awkward, and because none of us were talking. I finally said,though in a low volume," Um...let's head to the coffee shop." He was thinking something, but then heard me and said," oh !!, sorry I was lost in something. Yes let's head to the coffee shop. Follow me ."
Holy was still in my arms. I followed him. After few minutes of walking he might have realized it was full of awkwardness ,me following him. He then turned around and said," Um , ma'am you may walk beside me,if it doesn't bother you." I nodded my head in support and paced up and started walking with him.
Again it was all silent for a moment, then he suddenly cut of the silence by asking, "So what's the real name of coughing architect?" I cleared my throat, and was going to say my name when.........He added again,"y/n right? Actually I knew your name from beginning but it's just that the name coughing architect cuts away the professionalism among us and we can me more welcoming towards each other , so I preferred that name."
Another shock I got
I looked at him in shock,and he just smiled at my shocked face . Suddenly I noticed that Holy had already fallen asleep in my arms,he was so cute .
Then SUGA said ,"Ah that's the coffee shop,wait here outside I'll order coffee for two,and comeback with the order."
To which I replied,"But I thought we were going to hangout inside the coffee shop."
He then replied," Actually, while coming to the park , I realized they don't allow pets inside,so.....Don't worry we'll have our coffee while walking." After saying this he put his mask on which was pulled down at his neck until then and got inside.
After few minutes he came back with two coffee cups . But on realizing that I can't hold mine because Holy was in my arms he said,"Wait...I'm finishing mine quickly,I'll then take him in my custody again ". He said and smiled .
After completing his, he very carefully, without awakening Holy, took him into his arms,he was looking like a giant brown wool ball.
I took my coffee cup and sipped carefully because last time I sipped coffee I ended up my giving myself the name coughing girl.
After taking a sip , I looked at my watch and it was already, "9:15".
I said ,to Yoongi,"I guess I ,sorry, I mean we should head back to our respective houses." He said ,"Yes. But as it is quite late I will accompany you to the park near your house at least,as you are new here."
I agreed,and we headed our way back.
During the walk ,sometimes to cut off awkward silence we discussed about Holy,yes that was the topic I discussed on a date with my teenage crush.
After few minutes of walking,at "9:45" we finally reached the park.
He then said," Goodbye. If you again need Him text me. And I'm standing here until and unless you enter your building." I wondered how he knew which was my building,then I realized he might have seen me coming out from there in evening. Dumb me.
Then I noticed that finally electricity was back at my building and now I could finally take rest.
As I reached the entrance gate,I turned around and waved at him . Yes he was still standing with Holy in his hand who was in deep sleep.
Then I turned back and made my way to the lift .....then to my apartment....then to my bed.
I checked my mobile before going to sleep,I saw my teammate messaged me ,"tomorrow appointment,Bighit, 11a.m ,be on time by yourself,no car to be provided."
Oh but wait I forgot to tell him tomorrow only I'll meet him again at the appointment.
Time to sleep to look good tomorrow.....
I write y/n whenever the name comes because I feel putting names cuts the flow of Fanfic
So whenever name comes put your beautiful name.
So what will happen in next meet any guesses???
Thanks for support

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