Finally Finale

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Dinner Date .....

After few time Suga stopped the car in front of a huge building .

But this doesn't seem like a hotel , I thought...

He helped me with opening the seatbelt, I was about to get down when I stopped and decided this the right time to put on the earrings.

He didn't notice that I stayed back in the car ,when he got down he realized.
He quickly came on my side of the car and leaned on the car window happened, "Are you nervous ? Or you don't want it now?"

I chuckled seeing him care me so much . After completing wearing the earrings I replied him ,"Aniyaa... It's just that I promised myself to wear these earrings when we go on a date , so keeping my promise."

He smiled and said,"Oh only this. Oh by the way I liked how you used Korean word ."

I got out of the car ,closed the door and replied,"All your influence sir."

He held my hand , placed his mouth beside my ears and whispered ,"Ah I see , there's much things that come under my influence." and smirked .

Damn...He was so close I could feel his breath on my neck .

We started walking , basically he was guiding me while holding my hands .

I looked into his eyes and replied,"Well sir everything has a time ."

Yoongi smirked and said ,"I know, but I like holding hands more , and love being with you."

I stopped and said,"I also love BEING WITH SUGA." and smiled.

He pinched my cheeks and replied,"You are so cute."

He again held my hands and we headed to elevator of the building.

Seeing everything I could understand it was a new building because as seen from outside I felt something of its apartment was still not taken .

Then we got inside the elevator and he suddenly pressed the 15 button .
I looked at him with shock and said,"isn't it the topmost floor I mean terrace?"

He looked into my eyes , smiled and replied,"Yes, and don't you trust me ?"

I replied,"Yes of course."

He replied,"Then wait for the surprise."

Soon the elevator door opened .
We got out and stand in front of the door that let to the terrace.

Suddenly Yoongi let go my hands and covered my eyes with his one hand  and held my waist with the other and guided me to walk in a certain direction .

He then whispered beside my ears ,"Now the surprise. 3....2...1"

He removed his hand from my eyes and I saw......
He set a dinner table at the terrace .
From the distance I could see candles on the table.

I slowly moved towards the table and saw in the center.....the candles surrounded a piece of paper that was cut in heart shape.

As I looked carefully into the paper I saw ......

Will be my girlfriend officially?

was written there .

I looked back at Yoongi who by then was standing behind me and nodded.

Okay it was dumb of me to just nod my head in approval but I was to blank .

He quickly hugged me .

Damn he's so close close I could feel him....feel his warmth....leave alone cologne.

After few moments of hugging he suddenly said,"Did you say Yes though?"

My face was just on his chest  still I somehow replied,"Yes of course."

He hugged more tightly.

Oh stop it ....I'm getting emotional.

He suddenly stopped and said,"Ok enough of hugging now let's get on to dinner,I'm hungry."

Ok he'll never change.

Then he moved to the table and presented two bowls of noodles and soup.

He was kind to pull out the chair for me to sit in . After that he sat and we started eating.

He told that their new dorm was in that apartment, on Thursday he was busy because of this.

Quite to my surprise (or our maybe) it was going all boring with general talks until he suddenly popped,"Ok this is getting too mainstream, I have a plan. Get up please."

I took my noodle bowl and got up and asked,"But why ? "

He replied,"Just wait." and took the chairs and placed them in front of the glass railing of the terrace , one beside another.

He then asked,"Can you eat with the bowl in hand ?"

I replied ,"Yes"
He smiled and said,"Lets have dinner sitting there while seeing the traffic on road and being close to one another."

For the rest of the night we talked about different things, while seeing the city lights and while my head rested on his shoulders.

We became more close to each other that night.
No we didn't get physical that night because talks can also make people come closer.

(Epilogue ,) see first chapter for reference...

And that's how we got together.

Suddenly I noticed Yoongi coming with Holly.

I went towards him and said,"Where were you it's already 9:30p.m?I was waiting for you ."

He replied,"Sorry there were still some arrangements to be made for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day right ?"

I blushed and replied,"Of course."


Finally end of the book :)

Big day you know what :)

How was it :)
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Please check author's note in next chapter

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