First Free

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Continuation of previous chapter.......
After doctor cut my plaster I was given a bed to take rest for 1hr only.
Yoongi was always by my side ,always smiling to assure me everything is alright. Then after cutting of the plaster a new problem arouse , what I will wear.
My wise teammates brought heels....(seriously)....the nurse saw those and told strictly to avoid heels for months to come.
Then Yoongi suddenly popped up,"Ah as I have thought ,exactly that happened. Finally time to gift you the best gift at this moment." and gave me a box wrapped with decorative paper.

Wait when he brought that , we'll that day I was so pre occupied with my leg I didn't notice half of things.

I looked at him in strong disapproval to receive the gift .
He smiled and said,"Please accept this. As a date gift."
I nodded in disapproval.
He then took my one hand and placed it over the box and then the other and did the same.
Then with my both hands on it , he placed the box on my lap and said,"Now it's yours."
Emily and Amanda commented ,"Awwwwwww. Don't be shy accept it , you are so lucky to accept date gift even in hospital."
Then I looked at Yoongi he gestured to open it and it seemed he was more excited than me for the gift.
I somehow got rid of the decorative wrapper and saw a cardboard box.
Well I guessed what it can be but then also to be hundred percent sure I opened it ........
I saw ......

A pair of Red Converse

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A pair of Red Converse....well....

I looked at him in surprise and he answered,"Liked the gift ?"
I replied,"Yes . But..."
He said,"No but, wear them now. We are getting late for the date ."

While wearing those,suddenly one question popped up in my mind...Wait how did he figure out my shoe size ?

Then I suddenly noticed Yoongi doing khepjjang gestured to my lovely teammates....So it was all planned- them bringing heels instead of sandals...well done!

"Ahm Ahm" I coughed loudly enough to get their attention. Then I very sweetly presented my question,"Umm...Yoongi..."
He replied,"Hmm"
I continued,"I was wondering how come you know my shoe size."
He replied,"Telepathy."and chuckled and continued,"C'mon let's go."

I finished wearing them and stood up...ahhh for how many day God knows I was missing standing on my feet without any problem.

He then gestured me to follow him, I feel sometimes he is really so cold or maybe he is like that.

We then reached the parking lot and finally I didn't need any help to sit on my seat. I sat beside the driver's seat and he on driver's seat. As always he helped me with seat belt....maybe he took it as his mandatory duty....
When the buckle was not locking he was so worried, I looked at his face which was just in front of mine and started smiling. Ultimately he was done with my seat belt .

He started driving...
I was excited as where his secret place was. I asked him ,"So secret place huh? Do I know that place?"
He replied ,"Kinda yes, we'll there in 5minutes."
I was surprised with the fact that I know the place.

Soon we entered a parking lot, I looked around the parking lot looked familiar......similar.....similar to Bighit's building.
Wait what, the fudge! our date will take place in an office building...Wow...I thought only I was the one who was being formal and all but Yoongi too....

He looked at my confused face and said,"Remember the place I guess."
I looked at him with shooked eyes, and said,"Yes, but our date will be here ? At an office building. Are you that professional Yoongi? What about your staffs and manager ?"

Yoongi chuckled and replied,"Manager nim knows about us and as for staffs they'll think it as professional meet. Sorry I couldn't think of any other place where I would as free as here."and started walking.

I replied,"Well...."and followed him.
Then after walking few feet he realized that I was his date, he stopped and waited for me to reach him. He then put his fingers into mine and gripped it tightly and smiled and said,"I like it this way."
I replied,"I know...."

Soon he took me to their private cafeteria.
Oh here we'll have our freedom date.
He made me sit at one of the tables and asked me ,"Cold coffee?" I nodded in approval.

Soon he came with two cold coffees.

While sipping,I said ,"Every time we had coffee something unusual happened , I noticed."
He replied,"Like....first time I saw you with coffee you became coughing architect.....second time I started liking you."
I replied,"Third time we got to know each other a bit more.....God knows what will happen this time ?"
He smiled and said,"I know, maybe you will fall in love with me ."
I replied,"Or maybe you will."
He replied,"I thought I was already but as you are doubting, what can do to show my love ?"
Wait what ! Was that a flirting statement?
I looked at the big glass window and saw dark blue clouds covering the sky. I acted to totally to ignore his question and commented ,"I guess it'll rain today."
He replied,"what's the problem I'll drop you by car ?"
I replied ,"Actually I wanted to walk back home with you ."
He smiled and replied,"Then lets go and continue the rest of date with walking."

He put on his mask and held my hands and we went out through the door.
My cold coffee plastic glass was still in my other hand.
While walking most the time he spoke and I just sipped my coffee and looked at his excited eyes.
They were so glittery...shiny...shiny black button like....
When we reached in front of the park, I cut his words and commented,"I miss Holly, it's been so many days ,I've not seen him."
He replied,"I'll come along with him on our next date."
Just when we were about to cross the road,it started to downpour.
It was heavily raining.
I don't know but I felt a sudden urge to let go his hands and go to the park and drench myself in the rain .

So I left his grip and ran to the park.......and started to jump into puddles of water and what not.
For a moment I totally forgot Yoongi was there with me.
Then I suddenly felt that someone grabbed my hand and took me under the shade of a tree.
I realized it was Yoongi, he slowly placed his head on my wet shoulders and whispered beside my ear ,"You'll catch cold and my coughing architect will cough for 24hours then."
I said,"But coughing architect loves rain."
He said ,"And me ? Does she loves me also ."
I tried to avoid the question and moved forward towards the open area .
But....he grabbed my hands more tightly and pulled me towards him .
I couldn't resist. Then I turned back , facing him.
He said,"I didn't get my answer."
I replied,"But my doubt is still not gone ."
He said,"So what can I do to show my love ?"
I looked at his face with widened eyes.
He then held my waist very carefully and pulled me towards him causing very little space between his neck and my face . (Shorty alert)
He then looked down into my eyes and asked ,"May I ?"
Wait wait wait is he going to...going to kiss
I looked into his shiny black eyes, and nodded in approval.
Maybe I couldn't resist.

He removed his mask.
Lowered his face.
Slowly held my chin up.
While still looking into my eyes
Then slowly put his lips over mine and started kissing.
I also surrendered myself.
Dropped the coffee glass in my other hand.
Held his shoulders for support.
I felt a different sensation all over my body.
I felt a resistant but still couldn't resist, I felt that I should end it ,still couldn't, I was taken with the flow.
And we shared a passionate kiss under the tree.
Our first kiss.(kiss only)
Holy water please someone give me holy water .
Ok I have 0% experience in kissing so whatever I wrote I saw it from movies , sorry for such crappie description of kiss
What will happen next ? Believe me I'll write good chapter from now onwards please don't leave my story after reading this chapter :)

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