First Date pt3

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Chapter a little bit fast
Then I got out of the car.
Yoongi asked me to stand at entrance until he comes back from parking lot.
After 5mins or so he came back , I held his arm(elbow) but he slowly grabbed my hand and put it on his palm and interlocked our fingers.
When I looked at him in surprise, he smiled and said," I like this way . It's better."
I smiled shyly and looked down. Then we walked down the hallway to the hall where the party was.
As soon as the gatekeeper opened the door, I felt Yoongi gripped my fingers more tightly. Then he whispered beside my ears," Time to get acquainted with others."
Then we entered the hall , I realized the party had still not started as few people were present, a slow music was being played.
Yoongi then suddenly pointed and said," Oh there they are ." I saw in the direction he pointed and saw maknae line was already present there.
Taehyung greeted us first , he stood up from the chair came towards us and said," Miss y/n is looking beautiful. Good evening."
Jungkook suddenly said," We are so used to see y/n in formals , its a nice change to see her in party dress."
Jimin being the shy one ,smiled at Jungkook's statement and said," Good Evening."
Yoongi said," But I like her more in formals ,Jungkookssi." and laughed and continued," I hope you already know about her, I don't need to give introduction . Miss y/n get comfortable with them , talk with them ,I will back in few minutes. Actually just now I received a text from Namjoon hyung that his car broke down and Jin hyung is with him ,so I've to go to pick them as up. Taehyung,Jungkook,Jiminie please take good care of her until I come ."
To this Jungkook replied," Don't worry hyung we will take good care of your coughing architect ."
I smiled and said," I know. Bye come back safely."
He then rushed towards the gate .
And then ..... there was I with the maknae line.
Jungkook said to Taehyung and Jimin," This Suga hyung's coughing architect." To this they replied in chorus ," Hawwww,"
Then suddenly Jimin asked something to Jungkook in Korean .
He then translated it to me," Jimin hyung asked if you could go for bowling with us when you will be fine again. So that we could get more acquainted with Suga hyung's coughing architect."
I replied," Yes why not , by the way if you three are here,Mr Namjoon and Mr Seokjin is in the car then where is Mr Hoseok,I wanted to meet him too."
Jungkook replied," Actually Suga hyung is the second member of BTS who is dating, Hobi hyung is already in a relationship ,its been half an year now,so he'll be coming with his girlfriend."
Jimin replied," She's our noona but you are our dongsangae. She's also not an idol ,she'll be happy to meet you ."
I said," So Mr Hoseok was the one giving Yoongi advices I guess."
Taehyung replied," Yes you got it right dongsangae."
Then Jungkook suddenly said," Oh there they are ,our Hobi hyung and Chae noona."
I saw they just entered from the door and were coming towards us .
So Chae was her name.
Chae came towards us and greeted us ,she seemed to be a nice lady . Jungkook introduced me to her. He said," Noona this is our Suga hyung's....."
Chae replied something in Korean and laughed.
Jungkook replied," Oh you already know. Agh Hobi hyung."
Hoseok noticed my puzzled face and greeted me," Good evening, you are looking different today, much pretty. By the way where is Yoongi wasn't he supposed to come with you ?"
I replied," Actually he came to the party with me but he got a call from Mr Namjoon about his car breakdown so he rushed to pick them up."
To this Jhope replied," Agh his bad luck ! To leave a such pretty lady alone in the party. Don't worry he'll come soon."
Then we were served with snacks and drinks but I constantly looked at door for Yoongi to come .
I saw everyone from my office to his company entering from the door but not him.
So after 1hr or so he finally arrived with Namjoon and Jin.
He quickly came to me and said," Sorry, I was a bit late . So you've met Chae I guess ,Hobi's girlfriend. "
I nodded in approval. Then Namjoon and Jin greeted me . We were into a conversation when we saw that the lights dimmed and party music started.
Woah I never expected that I thought it would be a quite party but well it was party given by Music company so .
Then I noticed there was a dance floor where most of my colleagues rushed to dance.
I being a wallflower stayed back .
Yoongi sat beside my chair and asked," Won't you go ? I know your leg is broken but still we can dance together."
I said," But I can't dance . "
He replied ," Most of them present there can't do why worry and moreover it's dim no one will notice."
Jungkook who was secretly listening to our conversation replied," C'mon y/n, can you understand Suga hyung is indirectly asking for a dance? "
Yoongi hit him on the head and seeing this I started laughing.
Jungkook said," See for you I got hit by Suga hyung, now please say yes."
I replied ," Ok but one song only, really my leg hurts ."
Yoongi said," Yes no problem."
As soon as we reached the dance floor the party music changed to romantic music.
I guess that was maknae line's mischief.
I was returning but Suga held my hand and whispered," Remember you saidonly one song ."
I looked at him in surprise and stayed back .
He was a gentleman to take my permission before dancing. He asked ," Can I dance with you? " I said ,"Yes,"
Then he carefully held my waist ,trying not to make it awkward and I put my hands on his shoulders.
I bet the music couldn't get any slower than that .
Then while dancing he said," You are not feeling awkward , right ? If you feel awkward or uncomfortable just tell me we can always return to our seats."
I replied," No , but see everyone around is dancing with their boyfriend or girlfriend but we are not boyfriend or girlfriend"
Yoongi replied with a smirk ," Who knows? "
I replied," So you are the second one in BTS to date and all."
He replied," Yes , I had been taking daily routines from Hobi since I met you " and laughed.
Ahh his gummy laugh *_*
After few minutes finally the song ended and we headed back to our seats .
Then for the rest of time he showed me different employees of the company.
Wait where is Emily and Amanda? Haven't they arrived yet?
I called Amanda. She picked up , I could hear the music, and guessed they were near the dance floor.
She said,"We watched your date dance it was so cute , Emily even made a video and I helped her with the light issue by turning on my phone's flashlight." and laughed.
Wait what how
I replied," Oh I thought you two didn't arrive ."
Amanda replied," Well we arrived a few minutes later after you arrived, we even talked with Mr Yoongi when he was rushing back to the parking lot."
I replied," I'll return by 10pm and what about you two ." She replied," We'll be a little late." and ended the call.
Then at about 9 I told Yoongi that we should leave and he replied,"Ok don't worry, I'm going to the parking lot to take out the car you wait at the entrance. Jungkookssi please help her." Jungkook replied,"Yes,hyung."

Being with Suga [BTS Yoongi/SUGA Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now