Recovery pt 1

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I came back to senses......
Argh my head hurts, am I laying? Is something covering my forehead? , I wondered while my eyes were still closed.
I put my hands over my forehead and it felt like bandage gauge .
For a moment I forgot what actually happened to me and thought I just woke from sleep.
I quickly got up from laying position upon realizing the bandage and opened my eyes in shock. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital cabin.
Then I remembered what happened previously .
I noticed Jungkook sitting on the chair beside my bed.
Jungkook....but I expected Suga
Someone ,from my backside, said in a sweet voice(female),"Ma'am ,are you okay now?Do you remember anything?"
I realized it was the Nurse who was doing something in the table behind my bed.
I replied," I'm okay but my head hurts. Yes ,I remember few happenings. For how long I'm here?Have you informed my parents also ?"
She replied," Ma'am,you're here from last 4hours. No, we have not informed your parents,we thought to ask you first. Ma'am you came here with an head injury and a broken right leg. Your company paid your today's bill, from your health insurance."
Thank God ,they have not informed my parents they would have been so stressed,I didn't want to give them stress as they were in the other part of world. Broken leg?...oh then I realized my right leg was plastered.
Soon after giving me my medicines she left.
Then Jungkook spoke.
Jungkook said,"I know you were expecting Suga hyung here, believe me he was here a few minutes ago. He has gone to buy your medicines . We tried to contact your teammate too,she said she'll be here by evening for the night stay."
I replied," Oh!Thank you for being here in my hard times. Actually after I recover, I'll let my parents know about this accident,I don't want them to get stressed out . So Mr Yoongi was here all the time !"
Jungkook said," Yes from the moment you got admitted here, the only time he left you alone was during you stitching of the head injury,because doctors didn't allowed nobody to stay during operation. Actually I wanted to tell you something really important."
I was confused, and wondered what important thing now?
With a smile I said "Yes ,say."
Jungkook gave a smile and stated,"Actually Suga hyung likes you . He wouldn't say that to you, because you know he's not that type of person to express his feelings openly. At first ,he started talking to you because he felt that you were lonely and sad, and had only Holy as a friend here. Then when you three went for that walk , he really liked the fact you were interested in Holy rather than knowing about his personal life. He confessed to me and Hobi hyung that he likes you but he told to keep it to ourselves as he felt you might feel awkward. He was really upset when you rejected him for the meeting but when the next day you told him, specially, to call him ,he really liked the fact that you saw him differently. After your accident he was sad and depressed as he felt you are in this situation because of him. Oh, yes! The police investigated the matter and found that the car was drove by a saesang fan , the real reason for her to hit Suga hyung is still unknown."

I was shocked and said," That means he really likes me ,actually I also like him but well millions of girls out there who likes him too. But this is really a surprise,thank you for informing. Now I'll take the charge." and laughed.
He also laughed and said," Yes you should. Wait I'm calling him."
Then he went out of the cabin.
After five minutes or so I felt someone was opening the door. I thought it could be Suga and started acting as if I was still in sleep.
Then I felt the one who opened the door sat on the chair beside the bed, held my hand and started speaking,
"I guess you are still in sleep, so that means I can freely confess my feelings." and paused.
By the voice I realized it was Suga, only . I was still acting to be in deep sleep.
He again started," Actually I liked you from the day we met in the park, how free you were with me knowing that I was an idol. Yes,I know you tried to be professional with me but to be honest I liked that attitude only. The day we went for a walk I liked how you were concerned with Holy only and not me. The day you rejected me, I really felt bad but the next day when you said specially to me to call you I felt special among my dongsanges . When you sat beside me in the car I felt no drive could be better than this. But when you got hurt I was really sad and depressed thinking that you got hurt because of me. I really like you but I could never confess this to you when you are awake because I fear things we get awkward."
Hearing this from his mouth I got the greatest shock of my life and my saliva almost choked me and I started coughing.
He then quickly put my hand down and said," Oh you are awake I see, have you heard all those things I said ?"
When I nodded my head in approval .
He turned red and scratched the backside of his head. I guess he was embarrassed.
I replied," I also like you , actually I liked you from teenage years but I thought this was an obvious thing as there are still millions of girls out there who likes you and saying this to you wouldn't be special. But as you said , I'll also say my part . Yes, I like you." and laughed to make things light .
He also smiled and said," Can we hangout more often ? I want to know more about my coughing architect."
I replied," Now? Like this ?" , pointing at my plastered leg.
He laughed and said," No ,no. After you recover of course ."
Believe me I again fell for that laugh
Almost there....

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