Option ?

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Continuation of the previous chapter
Soon he reached the parking lot.
He opened the door and asked me to get inside.
To be honest I was reluctant but I also didn't want to miss the chance, I don't know why but I liked to be with him especially while he's driving.

As usual he helped me with the seatbelt but.....but this time....he....he gave a peck on my cheeks when he was done buckling the seatbelt.
I looked at him shock, he just smiled and replied,"Hey we are almost dating, I've the permission to atleast give you peck if not kiss."

He started driving.

I blushed, and looked down.

I replied," Ok , but now tell me how did you know I was going to be in the grocery."
He replied,"Look at the back seat."
I said,"But..."
He said,"First look then I'll answer."
I looked at the backseat and saw Holly was there in the small little baby chair,sleeping peacefully.
He looked so cute.
Then suddenly Yoongi said,"He was ill so I had gone to the doctor . While returning I thought if you would like to see him I was going to your building. When I suddenly spotted you in the grocery store, I was not sure if it was you . So I called Emily and asked her and after she gave your dress color and description, I was sure it was you."

I turned in front and said,"Oh ! So now? Where will we be going?"

He replied,"Wait I've told you half the story. Now comes the real story, today there's a lunch party at our dorm. Don't worry just we 7,Chae and our pet nanny Soyoon will be present . So I want you also to be present there."
I replied,"Ummm....it's ok but I'll go to your dorm and meet your friends in this dress- hoodie and loose trousers."

He chuckled and replied,"Don't worry you look good in this . But I knew you'll not like the idea of being in a lunch party wearing hoodie and loose trousers , so I already bought a dress for you ."

I looked at him in shock, and replied,"But I can't accept that ."
He replied,"You have to."
I nodded in disapproval and said,"No "
He said,"See I bought the dress several days before, I wanted to gift you this on our next date after that hospital day but you were not saying yes only for a date. So now I got a chance to gift you the dress. It was so pretty when I saw it I knew my coughing architect would look good in that . Please accept that ."

Ah what my coughing architect?

I looked at his face , he really wanted me to accept that .

Argh his this innocent smiling face will kill me one day

I blushed and replied,"So where is it ?"

He replied,"Actually it's in dorm . You can change in my room don't worry no one will disturb you ."

Soon he stopped his car in front of a big building.
He said,"So this is where we live. I mean in one floor."
He then asked me to stand at entrance with sleeping Holly in my arms until he comes back from parking lot.

Soon he came back from parking lot.
Then took Holly in his arms and I held his elbows.
We then proceeded to the elevator.
When we got inside, he asked,"Can you please press level 10 button."
Wow 10the floor.
I pressed the button.
Then the elevator door closed, we two were alone in elevator it was scary.
He looked at me and said,"Don't worry I won't do anything here." and chuckled.
I looked at him and replied,"No no not that actually I'm a bit scared of elevators."
He replied,"Oh!I thought you were scared of me." and laughed.
I replied ,"Why would I be scared of you?"
But then the elevator door opened.
I realized each floor had only one big apartment.
We proceeded towards the door, I  rang the bell.

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