Letter 3 and .....

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As Soyoon was helping a lot , I thought to give her a dinner treat to show my appreciation.

On Sunday we planned out to have our dinner at a nearby restaurant.



At afternoon as usual I sat with my notepad and pen .

(Bold = I wrote, Italics = I thought)

Ummm....today I'm almost sure what to write....
First thank you ,then apology for the rough letter that I sent him.

Dear Min Yoongi,
I hope you are fine. I miss you .

Damn I always mess up the greetings.

But first things first .
Firstly, I really loved your gift ,nowadays I keep the earrings in my purse because it always makes me smile,it reminds me of you.
Whenever I miss you ,I always open my purse and look at those , it uplifts my mood.
Secondly, I'm really sorry for the previous letter, I know there some awkward sentences which I wrote because I was really sleepy and tired that day, I hope you are not angry over me for that.

Anyway to be honest you know what people actually write honest things when they are in unconscious state of mind.

I really miss you, I want to see you .

I believe you also miss me .

Damn before I get too emotional, I should end this letter.

You know today I and Soyoon unnie will go on dinner. I thought as she's doing so much for us , I should thank her .
Ok ,I'm ending this letter here.
Whenever I write you letter I get emotional and starts writing unnecessary things and starts writing repetitive sentences.

I love you ,I miss you

Coughing architect

Now let's dress up for dinner,it's already evening.

Emily came to rescue, for the purpose of doing my makeup.

After dressing up and doing my makeup I was going to leave when Emily commented ,"Dear won't you wear earrings?"

I turned back and smiled and replied,"Umm...no actually nowadays I avoid wearing earrings my ears hurt."
Emily replied,"oh then ok but it looked like something was missing,so I pointed, anyway bye. "
I said,"Bye, " and went outside.

The real reason was that I promised myself that I'll wear earrings again when I'll meet Yoongi and those cupcake earrings will be the first.

Soyoon asked me to wait in the park.

I went to the park,and saw she was already waiting.

Damn,I'm late.

She saw me and smiled.
I greeted her .
She greeted me back and handed the letter and said,"Yoongi told me to tell you that to read the letter first ."

I took the letter and replied,"But ...."
She smiled and said,"Don't worry we won't be late."

I started reading,

Dear coughing architect,
Your previous letter was so cute ,both the drawing and the sentences.
I could totally tell you were in your unconscious state else you would have not wrote your feelings so purely and so easily.
Your drawing is now photoframed and kept on my working table.
Now let me come to the point.
It's time to fulfil your wish.

Wish what wish? Oh maybe that muffin as gift wish ,maybe Soyoon noona will gift me the muffins.

I thought as I looked up , Soyoon unnie was standing in front of me.

Suddenly someone kissed me on my cheeks from back ,
Ummm what ,what the Hell!

I turned to give the person a mouthful of words when I saw.....it was .....Min Yoongi.

Oh that wish meeting him wish.

He was smiling seeing my shocked face.

I turned back to Soyoon , she was also smiling and said,"My work is done ,I may now leave."
We smiled at her and said, "Goodbye"

The letter was still in my hand .
I looked at him and said,"Oh this was the wish you were talking about."

He scratched the back of his head and replied,"Yes ,but this is not the end ,though."
I looked at him and said,"Really."

He grabbed my hand and took me in front the car.

He gestured me to get inside the car.

I got inside .
He got inside and started driving.

I was about to read the letter again when he stopped me by saying," Don't read there's nothing written ."
I stopped and replied,"But I really loved your surprise though."

He replied," And I loved your letters."

Hearing that I blushed.

He saw that and said," Aww blushing architect."

I looked down and opened my bag and kept my letter on the car desk and said," So here's another one."

Suddenly,I noticed the road was not familiar.

I said,"So where are we going?"
He replied while driving," Time for another surprise."

I looked at him and said,"Min Yoongi nowadays giving so many surprises I see."

He smiled and replied,"Well,remember I promised you a dinner date."

I replied,"Woah....are you serious? Finally a serious date." and laughed.

So finally a serious date ? What will happen there ?
Recently I've been busy with admissions and all so I was unable to update

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