Wait you Forgot something

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Continuation of the previous day....
After having lunch everyone decided to watch a movie on the television.
So we all proceeded towards the drawing room again .
The couples I mean , me and Yoongi,and ,Chae and Jhope were given the sofa to sit.
Others sat on the chairs , maknae line on the floor (carpet) because they thought they would enjoy the movie better from there.
Sofa arrangement was like- Me ,Yoongi,Jhope, Chae.
Awww Yoongi sat beside me, we were so close ......our shoulders were brushing against each other....I felt a sudden warmth...
Then the movie started...but...the movie was in Korean that too without English subtitles....
Wow ,now what I'll do.....
They may have forgotten about me.
I looked at everyone's face one by one they were all interested so much in the movie they forgot this little innocent soul.
Suddenly I felt Yoongi's hand around my shoulders. I looked at him ,he was smiling while still looking at the tv screen, he very well knew what he did.
I also didn't bothered to remove it because to be honest I kind of liked it.

But what to do now....I can't interrupt them....they seemed to be so interested to see the movie...

So finally I decided to watch at just random things present in front of my eyes which also included the tv screen.
After sometime....

"Y/n ....y/n " - I heard someone whispering my name beside my ear.
I realized I was sleeping. I quickly opened my eyes and realized two things.
First, I was sleeping on Yoongi's shoulders, which made my face turn red.
Second , the tv set was switched off, everyone was not there and most probably it was evening time.
I quickly lifted my head up from his shoulders and looked into his eyes in shock ,silently looking for answers.
He smiled and said,"You fell asleep on my shoulders. You looked so cute I didn't want to disturb you. After the movie ended everyone decided to go for bowling but as you were sleeping on my shoulders, I told them not to disturb you. And now I thought you would be hungry as it's already evening so I tried to wake you up."
I replied,"Damn! For how many hours am I sleeping?"
He chuckled,"Four, I wanted you to sleep more but I thought you would be hungry."
I scratched my back of head in embarrassment.
I said,"Ah that's true I'm a bit hungry though. Four! My God then aren't your shoulders paining ?"
He brushed his shoulders and said,"No, they are strong." and laughed.
I also laughed .
Awwww I noticed he was looking at me in awe when I was laughing.
He then asked,"So what you want for evening snack ?"
I replied,"Not snack but I heard Ramyeon noodles are delicious,never tried them. Do have those ?"
He replied,"Of course, wait I'm putting the water on boil."
He stood up and was going to the kitchen .
I said," Umm Yoongi, "
He turned back and said,"hmm"
I replied,"I guess I can't complete the whole cup of noodles."
He replied,"We'll share ."
I said,"And ..."
He replied,"And?"
I said,"Where is the washroom, I want to wash my face ."

I stood up.
He gently gripped my hands and guided me to washroom.
He said , while pointing to the face wash kept beside the basin,"Here is the face wash if you need,"
I gave a blank smile and said thank you.
He then left to put the water to boil.
After washing my face I went to the drawing room,I saw Yoongi already prepared the noodles.
But then I saw.....chopsticks.

During lunch also same problem arose but gladly Jin found one fork after much struggle for me .....But now the only fork was in the washing basin along with other dishes to be washed.

I sat on the sofa beside, not very close though.
I looked at him said,"But I can't eat with chopsticks."
He replied,"When I told we'll share , I meant we'll share everything in the cup,including the chopsticks." and smirked.
I was going to say something when I saw he held few noodles with his chopsticks brought it near his lips blew it to cool it and then forwarded it in front of my lips , and gestured to eat it.
Awwwww my babysitter Min Yoongi, anyway lets continue
I ate it ,it was a bit hot but it was ok .
Then I saw he ate on the next turn.
He ate on alternative turns.
After we finished....
I asked him ,"What is the time ?"
He replied,"it's 8pm, it's almost time to drop you home I know."
I nodded my head in approval.
Yoongi went to take the car keys.
We then proceeded towards the parking lot.
While he was driving, I didn't want to disturb him but I wanted to know it will take how much time to reach my apartment.
I was about to ask when I saw my apartment building.
Woah that was really a short distance about 15-20mins.
He parked the car at parking lot, I looked at him and asked,"Will you come ?"
He nodded and replied,"No actually I've to go to pick up Jungkook,Jimin and Taehyung."
I was little disappointed.
I was getting out of the car when he grabbed my hand .
He said,"Um you're forgetting something."
I turned back and got inside the car and said,"Umm what ?"
He pulled me closer.
I was bit scared..
Then...he suddenly handed my plastic bags...
I let a sigh of relief and said,"Ooooo my grocery bags."
He turned his face and started chuckling at my gesture.
I went outside and was going towards the elevator when he called from back,"Y/n you're forgetting another thing."
Now I knew what he was talking about....goodbye kiss....
I stopped ,grabbed my grocery bags more tightly.
He then ran from back and came in front of me.
I looked at him with widened eyes.
He smirked and said,"I guess you know what I'm talking about."
I was going to say no when he suddenly gave a peck on my lips .
I dropped my grocery bags in shock.
He then said,"Goodbye." and went back to his car.
I picked up my grocery bags and proceeded to my apartment.
I rang the doorbell.
I was welcomed by Amanda.
She said,"Welcome welcome, we thought you were planning to buy the whole grocery store."
I went inside, I saw Emily was watching tv and sipping tea.
She noticed me and commented,"Amanda ,I didn't know grocery stores nowadays sell dress ." and laughed.
Amanda said,"So where's your actual dress?"
I suddenly realized I forgot my clothes at the dorm. I left them on Yoongi's bed after changing .
I said,"Damn!!!"
Both of them laughed and Emily said,"Awww forgot at his house."
Now what will happen?
Her clothes on Yoongi's bed *smirks*

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