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Anushka Dhoni's POV
I got a text from mom when I was at sakshi's home ranting about...chirag!!
It said that she and dad are going out along with bhai to a relative's house..great so now she won't force me to dress up and meet him.. I wonder what he's like?? His description given by dad was nice but he is a businessmen that means he must be boring!!
Well I'll find out tonight.. He is taking me to a 5 star restaurant.. Well dude I know you work at Dubai so no need to show how rich you are..
I don't wanna marry you and I won't!! So to create a bad impression I am wearing my regular clothes.. Jeans and tee shirt along with a checks jacket.. Nothing much!!
I got a message from an unknown number, it said
I'll meet you at the restaurant at 8:30 pm.. Looking forward to see and know you..Call or text me once you reach the restaurant..
Oh so chirag already had my number..who cares??
I got ready around 8 pm and asked my driver to drop me off. I reached the restaurant and texted him that I have reached..he replied instantly that I should tell my name to the manager and he'll bring me to him..seriously dude everyone here knows me!! I don't need an introduction!!
I did as he said..I went up to the manager and instantly he recognized me and asked for autograph. Hmm it is a proper opportunity to show that chirag guy that I'm famous too!!
I agreed but said him that I would give him an autograph but at my table. He nodded and took me to the table.
I went and saw chirag's back facing me coz he was talking on his phone. Once he hanged up and turned around I was in total shock!! I thought he would be a bossy and formal dressed boring looking guy but he was complete opposite!!

 Once he hanged up and turned around I was in total shock!! I thought he would be a bossy and formal dressed boring looking guy but he was complete opposite!!

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He came and introduced himself with a handshake..
Hello Ms Anushka!! I'm chirag..
His voice yaar sooo sexy!! I somehow managed to control my inner self and shaked his hand back..
Hello..nice to meet you too!!
He then asked me to sit down and the gentlemen he would be first pulled the chair for me and then he sat opposite me. The manager was still there..oh yes I forgot!! He gave me a little book which he asked me to sign. I gladly did and he left to send someone to take our orders and give us some "privacy"!!
At first none of us spoke anything.. So I was gonna start the conversation until he said," your a famous personality I see??" I said,"oh yes I am.." He said,"of course you are after all you are an actress.." I asked,"wait so you know me?" He nodded and replied,"of course everyone knows you..plus I've watched all your movies. They are great and let me tell you your acting is really nice!!" OK now I'm confused this guy is not only looking cool but acting too?? Is he really like this or pretending?? I think I should test him..
I asked,"oh I'm glad you watch those and you also like those..but your a businessmen and its rare for people like you to watch movies, considering the fact that you guts are always busy with meetings and stuff like that.." He said," i knew you would say this but I can't understand why people think that I'm boring?? Even i enjoy my life. I watch movies with my college friends, we still stare at girls together like we used to do back then and we-
I interrupted him,"wait you stare at girls??" He nodded and I started laughing..he then asked,"why your laughing?? I'm serious..I'm not that boring!!" I said,"well that's for me to find out not for you to tell me!!" He quickly nodded and said,"oh OK ma'am I'm all yours this evening!" My eyes widened at his statement and he quickly said," no that's not what I meant..but hey why did you think directly that huh?? Got impressed so fast??!!" He winked and I couldn't help but blush at that..he looked so cute!!
I replied without a second thought," Mr chirag it takes a lot to impress Ms Anushka Dhoni!" He looked quite challenging at my this line.. He then said," OK let's see who gets impressed first..you or me?" He bought his hand ahead for me to shake it as a challenge and I did!!
Then waiter came to take our orders. After our food came we decided to ask some random questions to each other so that we can know more about each other.
A: OK so tell me your full name.
C: Chirag Goenka. Your age?
A: 24. And yours?
C: 26. Tell me your hobbies.
A: My hobbies are dancing, singing, playing piano and googling myself!!
He laughed at my last hobby..
C: you Google yourself??
A: yeah its pretty fun coz Google articles let me know what's going on in my life..you know whom I'm dating and stuff like that!! By the way you tell me if you weren't a businessmen, you would be?
Without a second thought he replied instantly..
C: Dancer.
A: Dancer?
C: yes..why you don't believe me?
A: no I mean yes I do believe yo- no no I don't believe you!!
C: what?? Why?
A: I don't know its just I can't imagine you to be a dancer..do you dance?
C: yes sometimes when I'm alone and want to let all my frustration out I dance..
A: so if you wanted to be a dancer then why are you into family business??
C: because of my parents!!
A: why they didn't support you for your dreams?
C: no they didn't.. They thought that if I became a dancer then their reputation would be affected and so I shut my mouth and dreams for them.. And now here I am..
A: I don't know what to say??
C: don't worry forget about my story you tell how did your parents react when you said them that you wanna be an actor??
A: react? They didn't even talk to me!! They didn't wanted me to be an actor..
C: but now you are an actor and your parents are also talking to you? What made them change their mind?
A: my bhai!! He understood my dreams and supported me to fulfill those.. He fought with our parents for me.. He is the best person I know on this entire planet!!
C: Mr Mahendra Singh Dhoni... Captain of the Indian cricket team!! I'm his huge fan!!
A: wait so along with movies you also watch cricket? You are giving many surprises!!
C: I am?
A: yes I mean I thought you will be boring and very much formal looking guy but you are total opposite!!
C: I know many people judge me on my profession but trust me I'm not that boring!!
A: yeah you aren't!!
C: you said it sarcastically or did you mean it?
A: whatever you wanna choose..
C: OK I'll go with 'you mean it'!!
A: OK so now was it my turn or yours??
C: mine!
A: so ask?
C: how was your first kiss like? Tell me in one word..
I just looked at the ground..I didn't knew what to say..then I said..
He looked shocked but didn't ask about it anything further..
C: OK..so yeah its your turn now!!
A: hmm let me think!!....yeah I got it!! Describe me in a three letter word??
C: don't be angry but I choose hot!!
A: hmm hot!! I like it..but I'm not impressed!! And hey I'm wearing this..(I said it while gesturing my outfit) and you think I'm looking hot??
C: to be honest you look so hot in anything you wear..plus you are very cute!!
A: uh huh..take a hold of yourself Mr Chirag!! Or else you would get impressed and I will win!!
C: I'm not impressed.. I'm just complimenting your beauty!!
A: whatever!! Your turn now..
C: do you believe in true love??
A: no..
C: no?
A: I mean I have never experienced it till now so I don't know what it is..true love exists!! And there are many examples in front of me..the biggest example is my bhai and best friend!! They love each other and that's true love!! But I don't know what it feels to be in love?!!
C: OK..wait!! Your bhai is not single?
A: for the rest of the world yes he is!! But for us..no he's not!! He's in a relationship with my best friend but hey shhh don't tell anyone OK coz it's a secret and if it leaks out my bhai would kill me!!
C: no I swear I won't tell anyone!
A: pinky promise??
I brought my hand in front so that he can promise me but instead he started laughing..
A: what why are you laughing??
C: are you a small kid?
A: what?? Why?? Leave that...Promise me you won't tell it to anyone??
C: OK OK fine promise!!
A: Good boy!!
C: you seriously are a small kid but your too cute!!
A: thanks!!
C: anyways I'm done eating are you?
A: yes me too!! By the way today I didn't realize when I completed eating otherwise I'm too damn slow while eating..
C: same even I didn't realize!!
He then called the waiter to ask the bill and he paid it. I argued with him to let me pay it but he won't agree. So after we were done eating I thought of taking some proof of this meeting to show it to my mom..otherwise she won't believe that I did come to meet Chirag!!
So I asked him for a selfie..
A: chirag do you mind if we take a selfie?
C: of course...but hey why do you want it huh?? Wanna show your best friends that you went on a date with such a hot guy!!
A: first of all its not a date, its just a meeting and that too coz our parents wanted us to meet.. And second of all the selfie is for my mom coz without it she won't believe that I did come to meet you..
C: OK madam!! Give your phone!!
I gave him my phone and he took a selfie..

C: OK madam!! Give your phone!!I gave him my phone and he took a selfie

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He gave me my phone back and I looked at the photo. It was a nice photo!!
We then left. I was in my car and chirag was standing outside my window. He bent down so that he can be at my level since I was sitting inside. He then said," it was really nice to spend the evening with you." I smiled and replied," same here!! I really enjoyed today!!" He then said," look I'll keep your secret but in return you will also keep my secret?" I asked," your secret? Which? " He said," that I wanted to be a dancer!!" I said," oh that..yeah I promise I won't tell it to anyone!!" He then brought his hand forward and said," nah you pinky promise me!!" I laughed and said," oh so now who's being a small kid huh!!" He laughed and said," you were the one who taught me!! So do it!! I shaked my head and said stupid and joint my pinky finger with his!!

yeah I promise I won't tell it to anyone!!" He then brought his hand forward and said," nah you pinky promise me!!" I laughed and said," oh so now who's being a small kid huh!!" He laughed and said," you were the one who taught me!! So do it!! I s...

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He was then leaving when I stopped him..
A:Chirag wait!!
C: yes?
A: I was wondering if you wanna meet tomorrow?? Just dinner and talking that we couldn't finish today?
I was biting my lip and hoping for him to say yes...
C: OK!! I'll meet you tomorrow!!
A: cool!! I'll text you the place and time..
C: OK!! Bye..
A: bye!! Good night!!
C: good night!!
I then started the car and through my front glass saw Chirag still standing there and looking at my car.. I smiled and drove off!!
Maybe I was wrong about his personality. He seems a really nice guy. I don't know what will happen next but right now I think I just got a new friend!!
Holla guys!!!🙌🙌
So I choosed sid as chirag coz according to me he looks really very nice with Alia!!😍😍
Anyways if you don't like him as chirag then let me know..I'll think of someone else and change it!!😊
Keep showing your love through votes and comments!!🙏🙏
Have a good day/night!!
Love you'll!!😘😘

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