25|'That' Night- Part 1

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So here it is! The chapter you all wanted to read since the start.
'That night!'
This chapter is the longest and the most important ch of this story.





Virat Prem Kohli I love you, and I'm coming to tell you this...

After 2 hours

"I hate you, Virat!" I said in the cracking voice with the energy left in me, due to continuous crying of almost two hours.

"Atleast tell me what did I do!" Virat said with concern in his eyes. He was kneeled in front of me, with his more than half shirt saoked with my tears.

"You want to know what you did? Then listen....."


Before 2 hours

With the strong confidence I stepped out of the elevator. I know that a lot has happened between me and Virat but at the end of the day, neither I, nor Virat can deny the fact that we love each other.

Love. It's so confusing. One minute you think that letting him go would be best but when the time comes to let go, we're not ready to move on. It's so confusing that whenever we drive around the thoughts it always brings us back to where it started. Oh god, love, is so confusing!

After taking few deep breathes I finally managed to go inside the room. I swiped my card on it and instantly the red indicator turned green. I hope Virat's heart also gives me an green indicator...

But, how could I forget! It's my life! So nothing can be done easily, not even once! I once again locked eyes with the three monsters, who were sitting and laughing with the man I love. Karan still looked same while Rohan and Shaurya had changed a lot. Karan still had those messy brown hair while Rohan's was now black with blonde highlights and Shaurya's hair was black and gelled back. Though, the mischievous smirk never left their faces.

My eyes then fell on the owner of brown eyes. The eyes in which I can stare for hours and still can't get tired. The eyes which always have a shining spark in it. And today, it was bright than ever. Maybe because he met his friends after a long time! But, these four are the only people responsible for the way I am today, broken, selfish and having trust issues.

They were all laughing, talking and drinking. I shut my eyes to absorb the picture my eyes took just now. I opened my eyes and quickly ran away from there. I was running on the staircase, where I don't know but what I know is that I was running upstairs. I knew Virat was following me because I could continously hear his footsteps, voice and also I could see his shadow on the walls. He was begging for me to stop, but in real sense I was begging for him to stop. I was begging for him to stop breaking my heart again and again. I'm begging to him to stop giving me false hopes, because I'm tired! Tired of me, tired of him, tired of us!

I saw a door at the end and thought maybe this is it. This is the last place where I can hide from him or any other person that wants to cause me harm. I ran towards it so fast that I could definitely beat Usaain Bolt (not really) at that moment. I opened it and then quickly shut it.

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