11|Mom and dad!

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Anushka Dhoni's POV
I was sleeping peacefully until I felt tickling on my right feet no no wait it was left... I kicked it away whatever it was..now again I felt tickling in my stomach.. What the hell!! I opened my eyes and saw around the room..no one!! I slept back again. Again I felt tickling I opened my eyes but didn't sit up and saw no one so I pretended that I was asleep again but just when I opened my eye to see what it was I saw a man wearing this creepy mask and he was soo close to me..I got scared and was telling that guy to go away and not kill me but instead he started laughing!! He removed his mask and there he was..varun stupid Dhawan!!!
I said,"you are soooo dead today!!" He replied,"oh really huh!!" And with that he started running and I was behind him.. Damn why do boys around me are so big and strong than I am...and varun he's even faster than me!! Still I catched him in the middle of the staircase and jumped on his back. He was carrying me downstairs and we both were laughing!! Until.....
I said,"mom and dad??" I must be happy by their arrival right? Well I am happy about my dad's arrival but mom....I don't know I love her but she always pretends that she hates me..I don't know why?? I used to feel very bad about it earlier but now I'm used to it...
I got down since varun was still carrying me on his back. I went and hugged my dad which he hugged me back with more love. While kissing my forehead he even said that he missed me..dad even I missed u a lotttt!!! Then I just went in front of my mom and smiled. Which she returned with a small smile. Then suddenly she said,"varun it looks like u stay here!" Varun said,"oh no no aunty I'm just over here to talk to anu" she replied,"oh so when did you come coz we are sitting here since 8 am and we know that no one has come or gone through that door since then.." She said it pointing towards the door.. I quickly lied,"yes he stayed here last night and he was sleeping with bhai!!" She asked,"varun then I think you should leave now coz night is over!!" Varun just nodded and was heading out when I stopped him by asking," varun at least have breakfast and then go?" My mom quickly ruined it," no need I think he is rich enough and his father can at least feed him breakfast!! Right varun??" I said,"mom what you doing!!" Varun replied," no anu its OK I'll go anyway I have a meeting so cya!! And it was nice meeting you both again!!" My dad smiled and mom just started looking at the door...Come on ma at least don't do that!! Varun was gonna open the door but instead bhai did from outside and he saw varun and greeted him and was gonna ask something further until my lovely mom decided to ruin it again,"varun weren't you getting late?? I think you should leave!! Now..." After completing it she was smiling that innocent smile as if she has not done anything!! Wow mom you really proved today that you are a Bollywood actress's mom!! Keep it up!!!( I said all this sarcastically in my mind!!) Varun looked at me and i mouthed him a 'sorry'. He knew everything about me and my mom's relation. He knew how much she hated me and every time he just said me that it's nothing like that and it's my misunderstanding but I guess now he would understand what I was telling him!! He just smiled at me which meant that he knows it's not my mistake and that he is not angry at me!! Thank god he's not!!
I and bhai both went upstairs and had shower. By the time I was done and came down bhai, mom and dad were already sitting on the dining table. I also joined them. Everyone was having parathas made by my birthday gift that is Ramu while I just had an apple and some juice.. Suddenly mom asked,"anu you should get married now!!" I choked on my juice and said,"what? Why? I'm still 24!!" She said,"girls in our caste get married at 21!!" I said," so what mom they are not like me..I'm an actress and right now I'm at the peak of my career and if now I get married all my efforts will go in vain!!" She said," efforts?!! What efforts are you talking about!!" I said," why are you saying like this mom..I work so hard for my movies.." She argued further,"you call it efforts..have you seen Priya she's so talented and she is handling the entire salon on her own..look at jagruti she is handling a hotel!! And for your information they all are married!!" I said," but mom their lifestyle is different than mine also their professions are different than mine.." Now she said something that I was not expecting,"oh yes in their profession they get respect and you...you just dress up nicely to entertain people right!!"
Enough mom!! I couldn't stand it anymore..I got up and quickly went in my room. Always this happens when we sit together at the dining table...either she walks out or me..and this time its me!!
I knew bhai would come so I didn't cry and controlled myself!! Bhai came along with dad!! Great!! So I was sitting on my bed and dad came and sat beside me while bhai just stood leaned on a wall. Dad then said,"are you OK?" I just nodded. He then said,"anu what your mom said she didn't mean it.." I then said," wh-why does she hates me so much?" Bhai then came and stood in front of me and said,"she doesn't hate you anu in fact no one can hate you..she's just..a little worried!!" I asked,"worried for what??" Dad then said,"for your marriage!!" I said,"oh dad please not you also!!" Dad then asked,"OK fine answer some of my question.." I nodded but was not sure what was he going to ask?? He then asked,"is there anything going on between you and varun?" I quickly said,"what? No dad!! We're just best friends!! Nothing more.." He nodded and then asked again,"is something going on between you and...uh Virat??" I said,"DAD!!" He interrupted me,"OK fine next question is that do you like someone else??" I looked at my dad then at bhai and then finally at dad before replying,"where is all this coming from?? And why are you asking all this??" Bhai then said,"look I will tell you, its simple..they want you to meet a guy!!" I said,"what guy?? Who? And why??" Dad then said,"his name is Chirag and he is a big businessman in Dubai!! His dad and your mom were classmates.. He is smart and handsome!! And you will also like him.." I said,"OK fine he's everything you guys like but I'm not gonna meet him and please don't force me in all this at least not now.." Dad then said,"look anu..I've never forced you to do anything and I've always supported you..I also allowed you to become a actor though its not allowed in our caste. I gave you all the freedoms that I gave to mahi. I never compared you both...and most importantly I've never asked you anything..but this time I'm asking you something.." I interrupted him,"dad your sounding sooooo Bollywood!!" Bhai started laughing along with me. We then stopped once we saw that dad was not laughing instead he was serious...its strange coz he never is serious!! Dad then said,"its not funny OK?? What I'm telling you is that I've done so much for you all these years and now I'm asking you is to just meet that guy!! Can't you even do that much for me??" He asked the last line with his puppy dog eyes..oh dad!! I then said,"but dad if I don't want to marry him then what is the use in meeting him??" He then said,"I'm not asking you to marry him, I'm just asking you to meet him and then we will see where it goes coz he is a guy who can change your mind!!" I then looked at bhai and he nodded which meant that I should agree.. I then said,"OK but just one meeting huh?!!" They both nodded and mom clapped and came inside..I then said,"seriously mom you were eavesdropping!!" She said,"can't help!!"
OK so I'll meet that chirag guy later but right now I gotta meet Sakshi at her house to tell all this!!

Sakshi's POV
I was not feeling well today due to my periods so I took a holiday from office. I was wearing comfortable shorts and oversized top. My hair was tied in a messy bun. I was just going to call my boss when I heard a knock on my door. Strange why is someone knocking when I have door bell. I opened it and there she was...anu!! I welcomed her and asked her to sit inside and I got a call from my boss. I picked it up and said that today I won't be able to come to office since I'm not feeling well. While I was talking anu was pacing around and trying to say something but all I did was said her to wait...hmm she looks desperate right now!!
So finally my boss allowed me to take a leave and I hanged up. Anu said something really fast that I didn't understand..I said,"anu calm down and speak slowly..." Then she said,"my mom and dad are here and they want me to get married and also they want me to meet a guy tonight!!" I didn't knew what to say so I just nodded my head and said OK.. She said,"OK?? You think its OK!! Its not OK yaar...I don't want to meet him!!" I said,"then don't meet na...is anyone forcing you to meet him??" I said,"yes-no- I mean yes.."I interrupted her,"what do you mean yes or no??" She said,"my dad emotional blackmailed me..he said that he has done so much for me these years and how its my turn to do something for him..." I said,"oh anu!!" I went and sat beside her and side hugged her.. I honestly didn't knew what to do in such situation..should I tell her to go and meet that guy or should I talk to mahi about it and ask him to cancel this meeting??
I asked anu,"does mahi know about all this?" She nodded...hmm OK that means mahi wants her to meet him and that means the guy is nice...
I asked anu,"OK!! So what's his name?? She was first thinking and then said,"something that sounds like mirag...no no wait it was chirag!!! Yeah chirag is his name!!" I laughed at how she even forgot his name so fast!!
To change her mood we watched pretty little liars the whole day..we finished the first season!! We both loved this series soooo much that we can watch it continuously day and night!! While watching it the whole day we ate junk food like pizza, chips, ice cream!!
Then she got a message from her mom that she's calling her home. She got up and got her bag. I went with her till the door. She was looking sad and nervous about the meeting so I hugged her and assured her that it will be fine. I said,"look anu its just a meeting and no one is forcing you to marry him OK?? It will be your decision!! Plus you always have me and your brother!!" She smiled and left.
I hope the meeting goes just as nice as mine and mahi...our first meeting!! I still remember everything from our meeting!! I can never forget a single thing from that day!!
Now along with that I'm also excited for my birthday!! Coz its my first birthday that I will celebrate with mahi. I wonder what special would he do!!!
Guys please suggest me who should I cast for chirag's role!! I honestly can't decide it.. He is gonna play a huge role in anu's life so please suggest me it through comments or through DM!!😊😊
DO vote and comment!!🙏🙏
Love you'll!!😘😘

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