His Master, Great Human Auction

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"Please sir please you cannot leave Ciel here alone" Amy begged Sebastian. "It's dangerous. I know that the Royal son has something against him. I know it's out of turn for me to say but I don't trust him. I'm afraid that Ciel will get hurt." She had learnt that Sebastian was planning to leave Ciel in the house alone while the entire family, except the father, went to find Daniel. "He won't be any bother for you and I'll stay by his side at all times I promise."
"Now now Amy what you're saying is not appropriate" her mistress went over to her. "Ciel is safer in here then out in the village." Amy bit her lip and looked down.
"She's right you know dear sister" Murmur shrugged putting his jacket on.
"He's a horrible little boy that prince" Lilitu said offhandedly as one of the twins sat braiding her hair for her. The whole family turned to her in shock.
"Lilitu Kali Asquith that is a very very rude thing to say. I'm disappointed in you" Gilgamesh, the brother doing her hair, stopped what he was doing and told her.
"But it's true... he insulted Ciel and Daniel, he called Ciel mean names and blamed him for Daniel being taken. He almost hit him" she told them.
"Ciel is this true?" Sebastian asked his servant.
The little servant had snapped out of a daze and nodded weakly. "Yes master he did".
"I agree with Amy is all I'm trying to say" the little lady shrugged.
"It'll be very busy you know Sebastian. It can take less than half an hour to kidnap and sell a human... less than five minutes to devour a soul" the drunk brother was sat in the corner of the room. The family went almost silent as they stared at him. Ciel heart rate increased slightly as he heard that. "You're panicking the boy Asmodeus" Endiku turned to his brother.
"What are you even doing here. You don't care about Daniel" Proserpine looked at her brother narrow eyed.
"No I really don't but I do want to go into the town and to look at the auction" he smirked at her.
"Then be gone. We won't be stopping to look at the attractions until the boy is found." He stood up stumbling slightly and left the room.
"It's unbelievable the way he turned out..." she sighed watching him go.
"Ciel" Endiku looked at him, the boy jumped. "Ignore what our brother said no one is going to take you". The little servant boy nodded lowering his head to the ground. 
"Ciel look at me" Sebastian said. "You won't get taken. I promise." The little boy nodded. "Now put on your black outfit please."

Once everyone was ready Ciel stood by his masters side. "Do not leave my side unless you are with someone trusted, do not get tricked I will not ask anyone but the known family or Amy to escort you anywhere, do not talk to anyone, speak to anyone, look anyone in the eye, this is deadly important" the little boy nodded still having no idea where he was going he just knew it was an auction. "Some of the sights may shock you but please do not over react or cause any fuss that will draw attention to you."
"Shock me?" The servant boy asked.
"You have no idea where we're going do you?" Murmur asked.
"No I don't"
"It's called The Great Human Auction" Sebastian told him. Ciel's heart beat increased again.

"That's an angel you stupid idiot. You were supposed to take the human" the higher pitched demon panicked as Daniel cowered.
"It was dark and all I got told was a boy" the gruff one argued with the other.
"Its not the great angel auction. It's the great human auction. We'll get killed for this." This caused Daniel even more panic for he feared he was going to get killed.
"What do we do with 'I'm?" The gruff one said turning to the angel who covered his face with his arms.
"What's that on his arm? I didn't notice that before..." the higher pitched one grabbed Daniels arm looking at the metal bracelet. "Well what is it?" He asked Daniel. He tried to calm himself and whispered. "My bracelet. My master put it on me. It has his crest". The two demons looked at each other panicked. "Who is your master?" Daniel gained a little twinkle in his eye.
"Lord Vapular of the Asquith family."

The family all began to get into their carriages and Sebastian sat with Ciel opposite him. "Now Ciel you know that eyepatch that is covering your contract. Do not take it off unless you are in a situation where it means life or death. I can see exactly where you are and find you if your symbol is open. However I want you to wear this" he held out his hand for Ciel's arm. The boy pulled up his sleeves only up a little bit. Ciel put a metal bracelet on his wrist. "This won't come off. Don't try. It contains our contract symbol and our families crest." Ciel looked as it seemed to connect against his skin.
"I won't take it off" he promised.
"You won't be able too. That will not come off your arm until I take it off." The little servant boy nodded. This seemed deadly serious. "I'm going to change your other eye colour."

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